Sermon Commentary for Sunday, September 20, 2020

Psalm 145:1-8 Commentary

Yogi Berra is the one who famously coined the phrase “It’s déjà vu all over again” but of late it is the Revised Common Lectionary that seems to be making us live that out.  As I looked at the Psalm selection for the Year A Proper 20 or the 16th Sunday after Pentecost, I knew I had seen this before.  And I had: it was assigned just last month in mid-August.  And when I saw that last month, I knew I had seen it before and I had: it had been assigned the prior month for July 5, 2020.

It’s a great psalm and all but honestly, there are 149 others.  So rather than pretend yet again that I have fresh things to say about this poem since I pondered it in July and then repeated that pondering again in August, I will provide this link to the last time I posted on it and hope you find inspiring sermon ideas there, assuming you have not already tried to preach on this twice in the last 10 weeks that is!


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