Preaching Connection: Scripture

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Movies for Preaching

Wide Awake (1998) – 2

Wide Awake (1998).  Written and directed by M. Night Shyamalan. Starring Joseph Cross, Rosie O’Donnell, and Robert Loggia. Rated PG.  88 mins.  Rotten Tomatoes 67%. In big ways, Thomas the Doubtful had it right.  Show me the evidence, please, in all of its gory glory.  Enough already with other people’s hopeful delusions.  After all, empirical…


Séraphine (2008)

Séraphine (2008).  Written by Marc Abdelnour and Martin Provost. Directed by Martin Provost.  Starring Yolande Moreau and Ulich Tukur.  125 mins.  Unrated.  Rotten Tomatoes  89%;  Metacritic 84%. She certainly seems not to be the sort from whom one would expect religious wisdom of any sort, and that is true enough, at least at first glimpse.  In…


Reading for Preaching

The Bible: As If for the First Time

“. . . a revelation bears very little resemblance to human wisdom or human deeds. Even at its gentlest, in a healing, for instance, it is like a hit from the blind side, a hornet in the shower, something that refuses to be defined or packaged in polite categories.”

Prisoners of the Japanese: POWs of World War II in the Pacific

American POWs in Japanese camps could get tobacco, but lacked the cigarette papers to roll it in. So the men turned to Scripture. P. 116: “Rolling with religious paper had a whole theology attached to it. A Dutch Jesuit chaplain on Sumatra said the Word of God was sanctified, not the paper, so roll away....

Additional content related to Scripture

Psalm 1

The Book of Psalms begins with a beatitude.  But unlike Jesus’s well-known Beatitudes from the Sermon on the Mount that begins in Matthew 5, Psalm 1’s beatitude is not for what a person is or for what a person does.  Instead, this blessing concerns what a given person does not do.  Principally a person is…


Psalm 16

It is easy to see why many people associate Psalm 16 with funerals.  It often gets read at funerals and one or another of the verses sometimes gets printed on the cover or the back cover of a funeral program or memorial folder.  And of course sometimes we preachers are asked by families to use…


Psalm 107:1-3, 23-32

Ancient Israel was never know to be a seafaring people.  By Jesus’s day being a fisherman was clearly a common occupation on the Sea of Galilee but Israel did not have much experience with sailing forth on mighty sea vessels out into the Mediterranean or some such.  Yet the section of Psalm 107 that the…


Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23

This week we transition to parables, Jesus’s stories that bend and challenge our understanding with essential truths shared through images that spark our imaginations. The parable of the sower and the seed is a teaching about how—or even if—we come to understand these things of God and his Kingdom. We begin with the sower, or…


Luke 24:13-35

The Easter season is all about coming to faith and belief, of having the testimonies of one another be heard and trusted, of receiving personal confirmation via experience, and of being reminded that sometimes we ask for more proof than we actually need. Throughout, we see how it takes people different kinds of experiences and…


2 Timothy 3:14-4:5

Our lectionary reading for this 22nd Sunday of The Growing Season (more commonly known as Ordinary Time) reminds us of one of the deepest darkest secrets of spiritual growth.  As we’ve followed the readings for Year C, we’ve been reminded of the importance of getting the basic gospel straight (Galatians), of staying Christ centered (Colossians),…


Nehemiah 8:1-3, 5-6, 8-10

Quick!  What is your favorite verse from the Book of Nehemiah? Ask that of most churchgoing Christians and the answer is likely to be, “Ummm . . . Not sure.”  Although some people may be familiar with the overall storyline of Nehemiah, mostly the specifics are not widely known.  So if you said to someone,…
