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Help My Unbelief

Rutledge, Fleming | Eerdmans, 2000


p. 136

Rutledge discusses preaching in Lent. You preach the theology of the cross. You preach suffering. You preach the mortification of our sinful nature. And, just to show how counter-cultural Lent is, Rutledge cites an ad for a book—a transcendently expensive NY Times full page ad. It’s for John Gray’s book titled, How to Get What You Want and Want What You Have, and it is supported by the following ad copy:

“John Gray offers the ultimate guide to personal success. Combining insights from Western psychology and Eastern meditation, he presents a brilliantly innovative program that points the way to joy, confidence, and contentment in just four easy-to-follow steps. You’ll release your emotional blocks and realize your soul’s desire.”

Realize your soul’s desire in “just four easy-to-follow steps!” Tell that to anybody who is deep into a twelve-step program.