Commentary posted on December 16, 2019

Advent 4A Sermon Commentary

The Advent 4A Sermon Starters include commentary and illustration ideas for Matthew 1:18-25 from the Lectionary Gospel; Isaiah 7:10-16 from the Old Testament Lectionary; Psalm 80:1-7,17-19 from the Lectionary Psalms; and Romans 1:1-7 from the Lectionary Epistle.

Related Reformed confession: Old Testament Lectionary: Heidelberg Catechism Q&A 29 (Lord’s Day 11)


Home » December 16, 2019 - Advent 4A

Matthew 1:18-25 Sermon Commentary

Advent 4A

Suppose that one day you were reading a story in which an elderly woman is talking to her pregnant granddaughter.  “Now listen, my dear,” the old woman says, “I would ask that you name this child after your grandfather and so give him the name Nelson.”  Suppose the young woman agrees. “OK, Grandma, his name…

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Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19 Sermon Commentary

Advent 4A

A scant three days before Christmas this year, the Lectionary via Psalm 80 takes us out of any setting we might ordinarily associate with the holidays and settles us instead into a very bleak landscape.  There can be no missing in Psalm 80—despite the Lectionary’s attempted leap-frog over the starker verses in the middle of…

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Romans 1:1-7 Sermon Commentary

Advent 4A

God saves God’s adopted children by grace alone that we can only receive with our faith in Jesus Christ.  However, God always calls those whom God loves to express that faith with our obedience. Someone once said, “Make a good beginning and you’re half the way to winning.”  Certainly, then, Paul seems halfway to winning…

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Isaiah 7:10-16 Sermon Commentary

Advent 4A

On this Fourth Sunday of Advent, just 3 days away from Christmas, our reading from Isaiah 7 doesn’t seem very Christmasy.  Oh, it does if we focus only on verse 14 and the way our Gospel reading for today interprets it (Matthew 1:18-25). But if we read our text in its context, there’s no hint…

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