Commentary posted on December 19, 2016

Christmas Day A Sermon Commentary


Home » December 25, 2016 - Christmas Day A

Luke 2:1-20 Sermon Commentary

Christmas Day A

Psychologist Jonathan Haidt once published some very intriguing data on what he calls “elevation,” which is the opposite of disgust. We all know that there are any number of things that disgust us or cause us to feel revulsion. When we witness hypocrisy, cruelty, betrayal, and the like, we recoil–there are even certain physical sensations…

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Psalms 96 and 97 Sermon Commentary

Christmas Day A

Today is one of the many times I get a bit irritated with the Revised Common Lectionary, but then, upon further reflection, I repent of my pique and learn from its sometimes frustrating choice of readings.  I was irritated this time because once again the Lectionary selects a passage that it focused on just a…

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Titus 2:11-14 Sermon Commentary

Christmas Day A

Yes, this text is aptly Christmas-like enough, being all about the “appearing” or Epiphany of God’s Son into our world.  It’s all about God’s “indescribable gift” to the world and so has plenty of Advent and Christmas Day resonances. Yet in a real way this is the Christmas story for the day after Christmas, the…

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Isaiah 52:7-10 Sermon Commentary

Christmas Day A

I’ve seen the feet of a few preachers and teachers who proclaim the gospel’s “good news.”  Some are big, others are fairly small.  Some are quite flat.  Preachers and teachers’ feet can even be pretty smelly.  But I’m not sure even their closest family members and friends would call them “beautiful.” Yet no one who…

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