Commentary posted on December 7, 2015

Advent 3C Sermon Commentary


Home » December 7, 2015 - Advent 3C

Luke 3:7-18 Sermon Commentary

Advent 3C

Comments and Observations: Well what did you expect John would say?  His preaching was getting through to the people.  Big time.  His “in your face” approach to getting a message of repentance across was succeeding and before you knew it, John’s got people of all sorts asking “What should we do?”   And in response to…

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Isaiah 12:2-6 Sermon Commentary

Advent 3C

Comments, Observations, and Questions to Consider Note: During Advent the Lectionary occasionally appoints other readings in place of a Psalm. This is Isaiah’s song of praise to the Lord for being his salvation.  It lies at what J. Ross Wagner calls a “crucial juncture in the book of Isaiah.”  Our text, after all, ends the…

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Philippians 4:4-7 Sermon Commentary

Advent 3C

Comments, Observations, and Questions Growing up in a family of modest means, I learned early the value of Reader’s Digest Condensed Books.  We couldn’t afford the real thing, those lovely complete books, so we read those abbreviated and edited versions of bestsellers and classics.  They were very helpful, though not nearly as graceful as the…

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Zephaniah 3:14-20 Sermon Commentary

Advent 3C

Comments, Observations, and Questions I used to watch a TV show that was quite compelling and enjoyable but it did have one feature to it that I did not much like: on some episodes the show’s characters would find themselves sunk very deep down into dreadfully complex circumstances.  The episode would devote something like 92%…

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