Commentary posted on December 31, 2012

Epiphany C Sermon Commentary


Home » January 6, 2013 - Epiphany C

Matthew 2:1-12 Sermon Commentary

Epiphany C

Strange, isn’t it?  For ever-so-long now the Church has often been seen by those outside of the Church—and not infrequently by even a good many folks inside the Church—as being a kind of exclusive club.  Too often it all comes down to who’s in, who’s out.  In history popes and other religious leaders have used…

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Psalm 72:1-7, 10-14 Sermon Commentary

Epiphany C

Comments, Observations, and Questions to Consider One possible exercise for those who preach and teach the psalms is to ask what an “anti” Psalm 72 might look like.  Psalm 72 is the poet’s prayer for an (unidentified) king. So like what might its opposite prayer look?  For what sorts of things do we naturally ask…

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Ephesians 3:1-12 Sermon Commentary

Epiphany C

As many churches will do this Epiphany Sunday, my last church often celebrated the Epiphany of our Lord with a careful study of the story of the Magi in Matthew 2. Guided by that singular star in the western sky, those three wise men from the East represented the nations of the world coming to…

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Isaiah 60:1-6 Sermon Commentary

Epiphany C

Comments, Observations, and Questions to Consider Oh how we love Isaiah 60 these days!   But I wonder if the full sweep of these half-dozen verses really sounded that great to the folks way back when who first heard this.  Israel had lately been held captive by foreign types.   Their land and Temple had been sacked.  …

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