Home » July 15, 2019 - Proper 11C
Luke 10:38-42 Sermon Commentary
Proper 11C
Few things are easier than taking a portion of Scripture, isolating it from its original context, and then using this now rarified, out-of-context pericope to serve as some universal statement. (Think counted-cross-stitch wall hangings or Precious Moments figurines!) This brief lection from Luke 10:38-42 is a classic example. How many times hasn’t this gospel snippet…
Psalm 15 Sermon Commentary
Proper 11C
Perhaps you have seen variations on this but people sometimes joke about the over-the-top list of qualifications you can sometimes see in church advertisements for a new pastor. “We are seeking a pastor with deep biblical knowledge, superb communications skills, a well-tuned pastoral heart, an ability to relate well to the youth and someone who…
Colossians 1:15-28 Sermon Commentary
Proper 11C
If the first four verses of this Sunday’s RCL’s Epistolary Lesson don’t make its preachers and teachers’ heads spin at least a bit, we’re probably not paying enough attention to them. In verse 15, after all, Paul insists, probably no more than 20 years after Jesus ascended into the heavenly realm, he’s “the image of…
Amos 8:1-12 Sermon Commentary
Proper 11C
A delightfully humorous Lutheran pastor in Arizona has trained his congregation how to respond to his annual stewardship sermon. When he announces that sermon, they say in loud unison what all congregants think when they hear that it is stewardship Sunday. “Oh no!” That will undoubtedly be your congregation’s response when you tell them that…
Commentary posted on July 15, 2019
Proper 11C Sermon Commentary
The Proper 11C Sermon Starters include commentary and illustration ideas for Luke 10:38-42 from the Lectionary Gospel; Amos 8:1-12 from the Old Testament Lectionary; Psalm 15 from the Lectionary Psalms; and Colossians 1:15-28 from the Lectionary Epistle.
Related Reformed confession: Lectionary Epistle: Heidelberg Catechism: Q&A 30 (Lord’s Day 11)