Commentary posted on March 2, 2020

Lent 2A Sermon Commentary

The Lent 2A Sermon Starters include commentary and illustration ideas for John 3:1-17 from the Lectionary Gospel; Genesis 12:1-4a from the Old Testament Lectionary; Psalm 121 from the Lectionary Psalms; and Romans 4:1-5, 13-17 from the Lectionary Epistle.

Related Reformed confession: Lectionary Epistle: Heidelberg Catechism: Q&A 8 (Lord’s Day 3)


Home » March 2, 2020 - Lent 2A

John 3:1-17 Sermon Commentary

Lent 2A

In John 3 Jesus does something quite unexpected: he reaches back to Numbers 21 from the Old Testament and evokes the image of that bronze serpent Moses lifted over the people as a cure for snakebites.  The Israelites had to look at an image of the very thing that was afflicting them, and somehow doing…

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Psalm 121 Sermon Commentary

Lent 2A

For the second week in a row the Year A RCL has assigned a psalm that was also the Year C Psalm lection just a few months ago.  So with modest modifications, here is a bit of a rerun on my recent thoughts on preaching this well-known—and very lovely—Hebrew poem. When I was a little…

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Romans 4:1-5,13-17 Sermon Commentary

Lent 2A

When I was a teenager, we liked to sing a song that also had motions.  With arms and legs flailing, we’d sing something like: “Father Abraham/ Had many sons;/ Many sons had Father Abraham;/ And I am one of them,/ And so are you,/ So let’s all praise the Lord.” Now once you got past…

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Genesis 12:1-4a Sermon Commentary

Lent 2A

The early chapters of Genesis show us the steady downhill slide of humanity beginning with the Fall in Eden, with some terrifying secondary falls along the way—Cain and Abel, the increasing depravity of humans resulting in the massive cleansing of the Flood, the building of Babel resulting in the scattering and confusion of the nations….

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