Romans 8
No Condemnation, Mary Hulst
- This service took place at Calvin University in Grand Rapids, Michigan. It is a service of the word based on Romans 8:1-8.
The Realm of the Spirit, Mark Labberton
- This service took place at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California. It is a service of the word based on Romans 8:9-13.
The Children of God, Anne Zaki
- This service took place at Heliopolis Evangelical Church in Cairo, Egypt. It is a service of the word based on Romans 8:14-17.
Eager Expectation, Najla Kassab
- This service uses gifts of leaders from around the world and includes a sermon preached from Beirut, Lebanon. It is a service of the word based on Romans 8:18-25.
Groaning and Working for the Good, Eric Barreto
- This service took place at Princeton Theological Seminary in Princeton, New Jersey. It is a service of the word based on Romans 8:26-30.
In All These Things, Luke Powery
- This service took place at Duke University Chapel in Durham, North Carolina. It is a service of the word based on Romans 8:31-38.
Additional Sermons
Discover Beauty in Everyone, Philip McKinley
- This service took place at Holy Trinity Rathmines Church in Dublin, Ireland. It is a service of the word based on Romans 12.
Sermon on 2 Samuel 6:16-22
- This service took place at Baylor University in Waco, Texas. Burt Burleson’s service of the word based on 2 Samuel 6:16-22.
Sermon on Ephesians 6:10-18
- This service took place in Atlanta, Georgia on January 18, 2021. Lisa M. Weaver’s service of the word based on Ephesians 6:10-18.
Hope. Esperança. Esperanza. by Maria Monteiro, Baylor University
- This service took place in Brazil and was led by worship leaders from many different congregations and denominations. Sermon based on 1 Thessalonians 5:9-11.
Sermons From 2021 Online Calvin Symposium on Worship
The all-online 2021 Symposium on Worship took us around the world through a variety of worship services recorded in many places and nations. Six of the services featured sermons that together encompassed the whole of Romans 8, a key New Testament chapter that was chosen to be a key theme for Symposium 2021 in order to address the trauma and sorrow of 2020 and to seek to cast a Gospel light of hope on this present darkness. Several other worship services also included sermons by pastors from all over the world. We hope these services and sermons are a blessing to you.