Sermon Commentary Library

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1 John 4:7-21 Sermon Commentary

Easter 5B

The New Testament uses some form of the Greek word agape (“love”) more than 140 times to describe both God and humans’ actions. But in few places does the Spirit inspire its writers to link God’s love to God’s people’s love more closely than in this Sunday’s Epistolary Lesson. God’s dearly beloved people can hardly…

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1 John 4:7-21 Sermon Commentary

Easter 5B

Contrary to the Beatles’ sung claims, all we “need” isn’t “love.” But the full-orbed, whole person love to which this Sunday’s Epistolary Lesson summons Jesus’ followers will go a very long way to meeting all sorts of “needs.” Jesus’ friends might call John’s first letter his “love letter.” That emphasis is, in fact, a theme…

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1 John 4:7-21 Sermon Commentary

Easter 5B

If you preached on the Lectionary selection from 1 John 3 last week—and if you read the sermon commentary for that text that I posted here on the CEP website—then you will know a hard truth as we face this text: we probably both shot our wad on “love” last Sunday!  So much of this…

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1 John 4:1-6 Sermon Commentary

Comments and Observations: I once had a conversation with a colleague about the incarnation. “The incarnation,” she claimed, “is at the center of the Gospel to me. The Good News is that Jesus came into the world at all.” This conversation has stuck with me. While I may not necessarily place the incarnation at the…

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1 John 4:7-21 Sermon Commentary

Easter 5B

Comments and Observations When I read this passage, I hear the Beatles’ famous song, “All You Need Is Love.”  But I don’t hear John agreeing with John, Paul, George, and Ringo–not completely.  Though he insists on the absolute importance of love, John has more important things to say about love than “all you need is…

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