Sermon Commentary Library

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Psalm 105:1-6, 37-45 Sermon Commentary

Proper 20A

We are now deeply into Ordinary Time on the liturgical calendar.  During Ordinary Time we don’t celebrate any of the extraordinary Feasts of the Christian year; we simply walk along with the Incarnate God, the Crucified Jesus, the Risen and Ruling Christ by the power of the Spirit.  Our reading for today speaks to one…

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Psalm 105:1-6, 23-26, 45b Sermon Commentary

Proper 17A

Psalm 105 is clearly an historical Psalm.  It traces the five stages of Israel’s early history, from the promise of the land to Abraham to the possession of the land under Joshua.  Indeed, the entire Psalm, like that history, is driven by that covenantal promise made to Abraham and rehearsed here in verses 8-11 (where…

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Psalm 105:1-6, 16-22, 45b Sermon Commentary

Proper 14A

Psalm 105 is a history psalm.  To be more specific, it is what German biblical scholars once called Heilsgeshichte, salvation history.  It recalls the five stages at the beginning of the story of God’s redemption of Israel, from the promise of the Land to the possession of the Land.  Of course, as the long and…

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