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Psalm 130

Lent 5A

[…] Profundis in older Bibles—the Latin for “from the depths.”  And that just might make this an appropriate preaching passage for the Fifth Sunday in Lent in the COVID-19 pandemic when many of us will not be able to gather in our sanctuaries with our congregations.  The Gospel lection is the raising of Lazarus in […]

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Ephesians 5:8-14

Lent 4A

[…] his followers do as well. Of course, those who proclaim and hear Ephesians 5 on this particular Sunday live under the virtual worldwide cloud the coronavirus ( COVID-19) casts.  Nearly all of us wonder just how God wants God’s dearly loved children who are light in the Lord to live as children of light […]

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John 3:14-21

Lent 4B

[…] of the three available COVID vaccines is what everyone is talking about.  Facebook of late has featured a lot of posts of people happily displaying their CDC COVID-19 vaccine cards after getting the first and/or second dose.  This has led to lots of “Congrats!” comments but not a few evidences of what we could […]

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John 20:1-18

Easter Day A

In a recent article on preaching in these days of COVID-19 isolation and fear, I suggested that despite the sadness we are all feeling at not being able to gather for Easter services in 2020, we don’t want to preach downer sermons.  We don’t want our own disappointment at not being able to preach […]

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2 Corinthians 12:2-10

Proper 9B

[…] his 2021 hearers. After all, in the past 18 months we’ve surely learned if not been reminded that we are weak. Among the countless reasons why the COVID-19 pandemic may have proven to be so devastating is that it has challenged 21st century assumptions that we’re largely invulnerable. We in the West naturally assumed […]

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Psalm 100

Proper 6A

[…] thanksgiving and praise. Well, maybe it’s just me in early June 2020 but perky is not the mood one finds in most of the world right now.  COVID-19 and racial violence and tensions on every side have curdled the moods—even the outlook—of many people.  We’d love to sing in one big choir.  That is, […]

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1 Corinthians 15:35-38, 42-50

Epiphany 7C

[…] nutrition made things like poor eyesight common. Fewer than 10% of children lived until their tenth birthdays. Part of North American shock at the virulence of the COVID-19 pandemic may stem from our amnesia about bodies’ vulnerability. Up until about two years ago at least some of us assumed that epidemics were largely the […]

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Romans 16:25-27

Advent 4B

[…] people thought of God as more “legalistic.” So Romans 16’s proclaimers might explore with our hearers a kind of parallel between the “mystery” of God’s grace and COVID-19. After all, both God’s grace and COVID operated even before people fully recognized and understood them – though God’s grace has existed infinitely longer than COVID. […]

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Lift Every Voice: African-American Colleagues in Preaching and Worship

  Most of the year 2020 has been filled with pain. There has been COVID-19 pain beyond anyone’s control. But there has also been racial pain that most certainly could be controlled if we found the will do so. But in the face of so much racial injustice that demeans many sisters and brothers […]

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Psalm 66:8-20

Easter 6A

What is this COVID-19 season for us?  A source of lament?  A time of testing?  Ten years from now, how will we look back on this time?  As one of the worst seasons of our lives that we are so amazingly glad is well behind us, or as a time for which we manage […]

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