About Doug Bratt

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Rev. Douglas Bratt is a Minister of the Word in the Christian Reformed Church in North America. After serving Christian Reformed churches in Iowa, Michigan and Maryland, he retired in July, 2024. He enjoys spending time with his grandchildren, reading good literature, and watching televised sports in his free time.

Doug began writing sermon commentaries for the CEP website in 2006 and started writing weekly in 2012.

Psalm 148


Christmas 1B

What a magnificent Psalm for this first Sunday after Christmas!  The middle Psalm in the five Psalm “Hallelujah chorus” that ends the Psalter, Psalm 148 calls on the entire universe to praise Yahweh.  These five Psalms are called the Hallelujah chorus because each one begins and ends with the Hebrew words Hallelu Yah, Praise Yahweh. …


Isaiah 61:10-62:3


Christmas 1B

My wife and I have a friendly but persistent discussion about on what date we should begin singing Christmas carols.  Were it up to her, our home’s halls would start ringing with carols the day after American Thanksgiving.  Were it up to me, we’d begin singing Christmas carols roughly one week before Christmas Day. From…


2 Samuel 7:1-11, 16


Advent 4B

2 Samuel 7’s David has been busy battling both Israel’s internal and external enemies.  He’s also just finished “battling” his wife, Michal.  So some who proclaim and hear 2 Samuel 7 feel a little like David.  We come from dealing with, sometimes even “battling” people in our neighborhoods, families (and even churches). So we some…


Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11


Advent 3B

We often connect much of the Christmas season to happiness.  God’s people love to sing, “Joy to the World.”  We decorate our homes, stores and communities with bright lights.  Most of us like to celebrate with both the young in age and the young in heart. This Sunday, however, is also a part of a…


Isaiah 64:1-9


Advent 1B

It’s always tempting for those who preach and teacher God’s Word to talk more about prayer than actually pray.  So those who proclaim Isaiah 64 won’t just want to explore, exegete and apply it carefully this week. We’ll also want to actually spend time praying, perhaps using its structure and themes to do so. The…


Judges 4:1-7


Proper 28A

You’d probably have to thumb through a lot of children’s Bible story books before you’d find a retelling of Judges 4.  It’s, after all, very resistant to the kind of moralizing such books sometimes like to do.  In fact, even adult readers may have to dig pretty deeply to find anything edifying in this text….


Joshua 24:1-3a, 14-25


Proper 27A

What’s the Church’s most important task?  Some people might answer, “Sharing the gospel’s good news with the whole world,” or “Teaching children to follow Jesus.”  Others answer, “Being God’s hands of justice and mercy in the world” or “Being a welcoming place.” Each of those is certainly among the church’s important tasks.  But were you…


Joshua 3:7-17


Proper 26A

Joshua 3 always feels, at best, somewhat anti-climactic.  After all, you might argue the Bible’s first five chapters have all been pointing toward the Jordan crossing it describes.  Patriarchs like Abraham, Isaac and Jacob have given their lives to God’s promise to make this happen.  The people of Israel have been heading (but sometimes meandering)…


Deuteronomy 34:1-12


Proper 25A

Few of us can read Deuteronomy 34 without getting at least a lump in our throat and tear in our eye.  After all, Moses has dragged the Israelites, often kicking and screaming, out of Egypt, through the wilderness and to the doorstep of Canaan.  Yet this Sunday’s Old Testament text reports that he never gets…


Exodus 33:12-23


Proper 24A

Have you ever been so eager for something that you’d put your life on the line for it?  You may not think so.  Yet Moses did.  Sometimes he’s close to God, sure of God, “filled to the brim,” as Neal Plantinga writes, with God. At other times, however, Moses feels uncertain, misled and spiritually “dried…
