About Doug Bratt

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Rev. Douglas Bratt is a Minister of the Word in the Christian Reformed Church in North America. After serving Christian Reformed churches in Iowa, Michigan and Maryland, he retired in July, 2024. He enjoys spending time with his grandchildren, reading good literature, and watching televised sports in his free time.

Doug began writing sermon commentaries for the CEP website in 2006 and started writing weekly in 2012.

Acts 17:22-31


Easter 6A

How do Acts 17’s preachers, teachers and those who listen to us share our faith with those who know little or nothing about what it means to be a Christian?  How do God’s adopted sons and daughters speak the gospel to people for whom words like “grace” and even “sin” may sound like so much…


Acts 7:55-60


Easter 5A

Acts 7:55-60 may not be the best text to preach or teach in connection with a church ordaining deacons.  In fact, after reading it, we may wonder why anyone would volunteer to serve as a deacon.  After all, deacons expect needs that outstrip resources, sometimes impatient needy people and the odd bounced check.  But death…


Acts 2:42-47


Easter 4A

Some of the Bible’s most intriguing stories involve events or phenomena that are both unprecedented and unrepeated.  In those remarkable but rare instances God is uniquely present.  However, even those wonderful stories are always only just a beginning. So when a barefoot shepherd stands before a bush that burns but never burns up, God is…


Acts 2:14a, 36-41


Easter 3A

Peter’s first Pentecost sermon’s aftermath at least suggests that preaching and teaching the Scriptures is a bit like brandishing a lethally sharp sword.  Since it can cut very deeply, its handlers want to be both very careful and prepared to help stop any bleeding our proclamation may cause. Reading the lesson the Lectionary appoints this…


Acts 2:14a, 22-32


Easter 2A

Sometimes we need help understanding even the events that we ourselves witness.  After all, no two-eyewitness accounts, to say nothing of the interpretations of the same incident are exactly the same. For our text’s Peter, there can be no doubt about what has happened in just the past few months.  While we don’t know if…


Acts 10:34-43


Easter Day A

I sometimes wonder if Peter almost choked on the words: “I now know that God does not show favoritism…”  In fact, with one biblical scholar, I sometimes wonder how he ever justified this to himself, much less Jerusalem’s church, as he does later. After all, Jews like Peter had always recognized that God might show…


Isaiah 50:4-9a


Palm Sunday A

Isaiah 50’s juxtaposition of beauty and brutality is jarring and perhaps somewhat disconcerting.  Yet that combination is part of what helps make it in so many ways reminiscent of daily life.  After all, it sometimes feels as if we’re almost constantly moving from beauty to brutality (and then, so often, right back to beauty –…


Ezekiel 37:1-14


Lent 5A

No matter how gladly we sing the old spiritual about “dry bones” that’s based on Ezekiel 17, we must admit it’s among the most mysterious and, dare we say, strangest passages in all of the Scriptures.  Its imagery is so striking that it calls for vivid, poetic language to, by the power of the Holy…


1 Samuel 16:1-13


Lent 4A

God is in the habit of graciously turning grief into joy.  Sometimes, however, the Lord does so in startling ways.  So those who grieve learn to stay on the lookout for God’s gracious comfort. The Old Testament lesson the Lectionary appoints for this Sunday begins in deep grief over the tragic character of Israel’s King…


Exodus 17:1-7


Lent 3A

At first glance, Exodus 17 may seem like just another story of Israelite bellyaching about leaving Egypt.  It appears to reveal nothing new about Israel or her journey toward the land of promise’s freedom. As you might expect of people traveling through a wilderness that has no fast food restaurants or rest areas, our text’s…
