About Scott Hoezee

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Rev. Scott E. Hoezee (Hoe-zay) is an ordained pastor in the Christian Reformed Church in North America and has served two congregations. He was the pastor of Second Christian Reformed Church in Fremont, Michigan, from 1990-1993. From 1993-2005 he was the Minister of Preaching and Administration at Calvin CRC in Grand Rapids, Michigan. In the spring of 2005 Scott accepted the Seminary’s offer to become the first Director of the Center for Excellence in Preaching. He has also been a member of the Pastor-Theologian Program sponsored by the Center of Theological Inquiry in Princeton, New Jersey, where he was pastor-in-residence in the fall of 2000. From 2001-2011 Scott served on the editorial board of Perspectives: A Journal of Reformed Thought and was co-editor of that journal from 2005-2011. He blogs regularly for The Reformed Journal and along with Darrell Delaney is the co-host of the Groundwork radio and podcast program.

Rev. Hoezee is married to Rosemary Apol and they have two children. He enjoys birdwatching, snorkeling, and exploring the beauties and wonders of God’s great creation.

Rev. Hoezee is the author of several books including The Riddle of Grace (1996), Flourishing in the Land (1996), Remember Creation (1998), Speaking as One: A Look at the Ecumenical Creeds (1997), Speaking of Comfort: A Look at the Heidelberg Catechism (1998), and Proclaim the Wonder: Preaching Science on Sunday (2003), Grace Through Every Generation (2007), Actuality: Real Life Stories for Sermons That Matter (2014)and Why We Listen To Sermons (2018).

Scott Hoezee has been writing sermon commentaries for the CEP website since its inception in July 2005.

Matthew 14:13-21


Proper 13A

John the Baptist was the last great Old Testament prophet and the first great New Testament herald of the Gospel.  He is a unique figure, a pivotal figure, a figure very nearly without parallel in the history of redemption. And yet he dies because of a stupid, senseless, lusty, and boozy blank check promise made…


Psalm 145:8-9, 14-21


Proper 13A

The Lectionary presents some mysteries for those of us who follow it closely.  In this case we are getting a couple carved-out sections of Psalm 145 a scant four weeks after we had a carved-out section of this exact same poem as the Psalm reading for July 5 (and parts of the August 2 reading…


Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52


Proper 12A

Probably most of us have benefitted from mnemonic devices at some point.  We might remember the primary colors in the visible light spectrum by remembering the name Roy G. Biv (which in turns gives us Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet).  A strange one used by my junior high science teacher has nevertheless…


Psalm 119:129-136


Proper 12A

Perhaps this would feel striking at any moment.  But during this COVID-19 time and all that we have experienced in recent months, parts of this snippet of the longest psalm feel particularly odd.  We have been living in largely unprecedented circumstances for most of 2020 and certainly since early March.  Governors and mayors in particular…


Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43


Proper 11A

The “Parable of the Weeds” is part of a cluster of parables that has to do with God’s kingdom (and the Year A Lectionary is dealing with these various parables one at a time). It is also one of several that has to do with seeds and agriculture. Over and again Jesus’ point is that…


Psalm 86:11-17


Proper 11A

With some frequency you run across such sentiments in the Psalms if not in the wider Scripture.  God is praised for being compassionate and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.  Language to this effect pops up in Psalm 86 too when you get to verse 15.  But look closely: this is only…


Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23


Proper 10A

In between Jesus’ telling of this famous parable and his own point-by-point explanation of the parable’s meaning and symbolism there comes an eight-verse section that the Lectionary would have us skip but that contains some of the most intriguing material in this part of Matthew 13.  Mainly what Jesus says there is that the seemingly…


Psalm 65: (1-8), 9-13


Proper 10A

For every psalm that stands out in some way or that is well-known for some reason, there are probably three or four psalms that are not very familiar and that frankly kind of all blend into one another.  Most Jews and Christians know Psalms 23 and 100 well.  Psalm 46 is a regular go-to poem…


Matthew 11:16-19, 25-30


Proper 9A

I’m sure they had their reasons.  I refer to the folks who put together the readings for the Revised Common Lectionary.  I’m sure they had their reasons to leap-frog over verses 20-24 but in so doing, they created something of an irony (if not something of an exegetical faux pas). Granted, Jesus’ rant against various…


Psalm 145:8-14


Proper 9A

The Lectionary has carved out just seven verses from the middle of Psalm 145 but in truth, the whole Psalm sounds the same notes.  Coming as this poem does near the very end of the Hebrew Psalter, we are definitely in the final exultation of singular praise with which this collection concludes.  The Psalms have…
