About Stan Mast

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Stan Mast was the Minister of Preaching at the LaGrave Avenue Christian Reformed Church in downtown Grand Rapids, MI for 22 years. He graduated from Calvin Theological Seminary in 1971 and served four churches in the West and Midwest regions of the United States. He also served a 3 year stint as Coordinator of Field Education at Calvin Seminary. He has earned a BA degree from Calvin College and a Bachelor of Divinity and a Master of Theology from Calvin and a Doctor of Ministry from Denver Seminary. He is happily married to Sharon, and they have two sons and four grandchildren. Stan is a voracious reader and works out regularly. He also calls himself a car nut and an “avid, but average” golfer.

Stan wrote weekly sermon commentaries for the CEP website from 2012 to 2019.

Jeremiah 4:11-12, 22-28


Proper 19C

If our last reading from Jeremiah 18:1-11 offered a note of hope (and it did with that fourfold repetition of the little word “if”), there seems to be absolutely no such note in this reading.  Which makes it a very tough text to preach today. Oh, if all we do is explain what the text…


Jeremiah 18:1-11


Proper 18C

Who do you think you are?  In our text for today, that question floats in the background. It’s a question that can be asked in a friendly manner, or as a challenge.  In Jeremiah 18 it is asked in a challenging way.  Who does God think he is?  Answer- the Potter who “molds and shapes…


Jeremiah 2:4-13


Proper 17C

Last week our study of Jeremiah’s call to ministry gave us the historical setting of his work.  Jeremiah prophesied during the last days of the southern Kingdom, after the northern Kingdom had been dragged away by the Assyrian armies.  Now Judah was now facing the same fate at the hands of the newly emergent Babylonian…


Jeremiah 1:4-10


Proper 16C

Sometimes it feels as though the Lectionary has a mild case of Alzheimer’s, because it seems to forget that we just talked about a certain text, just a few months ago.  Now here it is again in the cycle of readings. That’s the case on this Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost, deep in the heart of…


Isaiah 5:1-7


Proper 15C

This will be a hard text to preach in many settings. I’ve tried to imagine preaching it in my last congregation, a congregation of privilege located in a neighborhood of disadvantaged people.  My church had a number of ministries in that neighborhood, because we understood our responsibility for the poor.  A significant number of our…


Isaiah 1:1, 10-20


Proper 14C

Our reading for today is arguably the most important of the Lectionary’s 69 selections from Isaiah, because it summarizes the message of this truly “major” prophet.  Verse 1 reveals the author, place and time of this prophecy.  Most significantly, it tells us why we should listen to the prophet—what he writes is the “vision” he…


Hosea 11:1-11


Proper 13C

Marcion was the first to do it, but surely not the last.  In the middle of the second century after Christ, Marcion taught that the God of the Old Testament was different than the Father of Jesus Christ.  The God of the Old Testament was angry, violent, judgmental, and not worth following if you were…


Hosea 1:2-10


Proper 12C

How on earth can you preach this strange and sordid text?  Well, ask yourself this question. How do you get someone to stop doing something dangerous when they simply won’t listen to you? The other day my youngest grandson, a daring dynamo of perpetual motion, had entered a goofy phase and was riding one of…


Amos 8:1-12


Proper 11C

A delightfully humorous Lutheran pastor in Arizona has trained his congregation how to respond to his annual stewardship sermon.  When he announces that sermon, they say in loud unison what all congregants think when they hear that it is stewardship Sunday.  “Oh no!”  That will undoubtedly be your congregation’s response when you tell them that…


Amos 7:7-17


Proper 10C

Your average preacher will not choose this testy passage from Amos to preach on today.  Amos is not a book to read if you are in need of easy encouragement.  I cannot imagine the perpetually smiling Joel Osteen preaching on this text.  Maybe you cannot imagine yourself doing that either.  I mean, what can this…
