Content related to Hebrews 2

Home » New Testament » Hebrews » Hebrews 2

Hebrews 1:1-4; 2:5-12

Proper 22B

During a recent Sabbath dinner, a Jewish acquaintance asked my wife and me, “Who do you pray to – Jesus or God?” I told her that while it was very hard to explain, we profess that Jesus is God. However, for Jewish people who are deeply steeped in monotheism this is almost impossible to understand….

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Hebrews 2:10-18

Christmas 1A

If Jesus had been born not in some kind of livestock shelter but a hospital, how would anyone have been able to pick him out of the other babies in the nursery? Would he have been the baby who, as we sing at Christmas, made no crying? If Jesus’ friends had been choosing sides for…

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Hebrews 2:10-18

Christmas 1A

Near the beginning of measured time, God created the heavens and the earth.  God also created our first parents for fellowship with each other and the Lord, as well as to help care for what God makes. Adam and Eve, however, chose to do the one thing God explicitly asked them not to do.  Then…

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Hebrews 2:10-18

1st Sunday after Christmas A

God’s power cannot cut it.   That’s both the bottom line and the upshot of this part of Hebrews 2.  Isn’t that weird, though?  Isn’t that counter-intuitive?   How often haven’t most of us said or thought something along the lines of “If only I were in charge . . . If only I were in control…

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Symposium 2008: Yet at Present

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