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John 6:1-21

Proper 12B

Why are these two stories stuck together by the lectionary? Each on its own is worthy of preaching, but when they are paired together does the sermon change? Sermons on the feeding miracle rightfully draw us to a posture of awe at the provision of God whereas a sermon about Jesus walking on water might…

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Ephesians 3:14-21

Proper 12B

As I’ve said before, there is nothing ordinary about Ordinary Time, and that is surely the case with this text.  This is an extraordinary prayer for Ordinary Time. Paul has just described the church’s calling in cosmic terms.  The unity of Gentile and Jew in the church is intended by God to make known the…

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Mark 6:30-34, 53-56

Proper 11B

At first, these verse selections seem odd; why leave out the feeding of the five thousand-plus? If you’ve looked ahead at the lectionary then you know that the loaves and fishes miracle is next week as we transition to John 6, so what do these handful of verses bring to the fore? There are some…

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Ephesians 2:11-22

Proper 11B

If ever there were a text that resonates with life today, it is this ancient word.  In this text Paul answers the burning question at the heart of the immigration debate in America.  What is the right path to full citizenship?  Of course, Paul is not talking about full citizenship in a country; he is…

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Mark 6:14-29

Proper 10B

It’s been a while since the lectionary has included a story about John the Baptist, and here it’s more of a memory than anything else. Herod thinks of John because of the stories coming out about Jesus’s disciples. They’ve just returned from their missionary journey and they displayed a lot of familiar influence. Not only…

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Ephesians 1:3-14

Proper 10B

It’s ironic and sad that predestination is such a contentious issue among some of Jesus’ friends. We sense, after all, that God graciously intends it to be a source of comfort for rather than division among Christians. Thankfully, then, this Sunday’s Epistolary Lesson offers preachers a chance to let the Spirit help us unpack this…

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Mark 6:1-13

Proper 9B

There are many reasons to go home, and there are plenty of reasons some of us would rather not. Being fully differentiated, Jesus didn’t have the same baggage as some of us do related to our hometowns, but that doesn’t mean the welcome wagon rolls out for the Son of Man. Nazareth was a small…

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2 Corinthians 12:2-10

Proper 9B

Given the choice between “power” [dynamis]* (9) and “weakness” [astheneia], people naturally choose power. It’s a tendency that’s not easy for even Christians to shake. In fact, I wonder if some of Christ’s Body’s deepest divisions aren’t at least partly rooted in the members of that Body’s desire to cling to the power we have….

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2 Corinthians 8:7-15

Proper 8B

It’s probably a good thing that the Revised Common Lectionary offers preachers the opportunity to preach on this Sunday’s Epistolary Lesson once every three years. Otherwise some of us might never feel emboldened to preach on what the apostles call “the grace of giving” (7). Yet this is another text about which preaching on it…

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Mark 5:21-43

Proper 8B

We have another one of Mark’s story sandwiches, but in this one, the connections are quite obvious: healing that results in restoration, and faith. The daughter of Jairus and the woman who had been hemorrhaging blood for so long represent two different kinds of backgrounds. One is part of a family, another is alone. One’s…

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