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John 18:33-37

Proper 29B

Digging into the Text: It’s interesting that this year Christ the King Sunday comes just a few weeks after a very divisive American election.  Actually, as of this writing, it’s not even over yet, as recounts continue in closely fought races.  On top of that, the Gospel for this year is a tense conversation between…

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John 6:56-59

Proper 16B

But how does it all end?  After plunking us down in John 6 for the whole of August in Year B, the Lectionary puts on the brakes before we can get to the end of the story where the REACTION of the crowds to all of this is recorded.  So I would suggest to my…

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John 6:51-58

Proper 15B

In her short story “The River,” Flannery O’Connor depicts a child who actually drowns when trying to baptize himself in a river. After this startling story was published, someone asked O’Connor about this grotesque depiction of baptism. O’Connor’s critics thought this story was too extreme. But her goal was to remind her readers of how…

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John 6:35, 41-51

Proper 14B

“Your forefathers ate the manna in the desert yet they died.” That’s what Jesus said and it’s a pretty easy verse to cruise past and not much ponder.  I mean, of course those people died—in fact, they had died about 1,000 years ago!!  And since no one even a millennium earlier had ever said manna…

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John 6:24-35

Proper 13B

(Note: Since the Lectionary is having us pastors camp out in John 6 for five whole weeks, this week I offer something a bit different than the usual sermon commentary: A sample sermon titled “Never Go Hungry” derived from the middle of John 6.  I hope it sparks ideas for my fellow preachers!) In the…

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John 6:1-21

Proper 12B

Hang on to your hats, preaching partners, because we are beginning a 5-week odyssey in John 6.  Granted this is an important chapter but 5 whole weeks of preaching sermons on variations of Jesus’ being the bread of life can be a bit taxing.  Having skipped over the Feeding of the 5,000 in last week’s…

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John 3:1-17

Trinity Sunday B

I wonder what Nicodemus was thinking about when he walked home that night. My guess is that it wasn’t the Doctrine of the Trinity!  Yet this is the Year B passage assigned for Trinity Sunday.  So what did he ponder?  No clue.  John doesn’t tell us.  That’s ironic seeing as, according to John’s reportage at…

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John 15:26-27, 16:4b-15

Pentecost B

Well before Jesus ever preached his first sermon, there was John the Baptist.  Long before Jesus ever uttered a parable or healed a blind person, there was John. John had come to prepare the way for his cousin Jesus. And when John preached about this great and coming One, he talked a lot about the…

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John 17:6-19

Easter 7B

“You’re only as happy as your unhappiest child.”  That is a saying of my former colleague Ron Nydam.  And he’s right.  Worse yet, we all know that you cannot insure the happiness of your children, either.  And that truth is married to another undeniable fact and that is this: the wider world in which we…

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John 15:9-17

Easter 6B

Every week the sermon proclaims the Gospel.  Yes, there is always a small-t preaching text (Psalm 23, John 15) on which the sermon is based.  That’s the text projected onto the screen or printed in the church bulletin.  But that text is always also in service of getting at the big-T Text that just is…

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