Comments, Observations, and Questions The Lectionary may get the last laugh here, and savvy preachers can curl up the corners of their mouths to join the mirth. Because here it is the first Sunday of a new year and really the first Sunday in the 2014-2015 holiday season after Christmas is officially finished. For weeks…
Comments and Observations The Lectionary may get the last laugh here, and savvy preachers can curl up the corners of their mouths to join the mirth. Because here it is the first Sunday of a new year. For weeks now, starting well before American Thanksgiving even, it’s been all Jesus, all the time. The Muzak…
Comments, Observations, and Questions Among you stands one you do not know.” Those were John the Baptist’s words as recorded in John 1:26. Of course, at that time it was literally true that a quiet carpenter’s son from the backwaters of the Roman Empire was rubbing shoulders with lots of people—including the crowds that jostled…
Comments and Observations Most people will have to go back to work the day following this Second Sunday after Christmas. It will be Monday, January 4, 2010, and the holidays will be officially over for most of us. The kids enjoyed their two-week break but on Monday, it’s time to roll out of bed on-time,…
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