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1 Corinthians 7:29-31

Epiphany 3B

In Ron Chernow’s new biography of Ulysses S. Grant, we read that in the early days running up to the full outbreak of the Civil War, enthusiasm for the war ran high on both sides of the Mason-Dixon line.  Both sides saw the cause as one of justice.  Both sides fervently believed in their cause. …

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John 1:43-51

Epiphany 2B

Sample Sermon: “The Child’s Leading” Don’t you wish sometimes you could have been there, could have seen them in person?  I mean the disciples and, of course, Jesus himself.  You hear people say things like that once in a while. Wouldn’t it have been something to have been able to meet Peter, to shake Matthew’s…

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1 Corinthians 6:12-20

Epiphany 2B

In Oscar Wilde’s play The Importance of Being Earnest, at one point someone observes a husband and wife stealing coy glances at each other over dinner and just generally displaying their love.  This leads one character to utter the wryly cynical observation, “The amount of women in London who flirt with their own husbands is…

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Mark 1:4-11

Epiphany 1B

Fans of Peter Jackson’s films in The Lord of the Rings trilogy will recall the opening sequence in the final film, The Return of the King.  As the movie opens, we are taken back hundreds of years from the main action of the trilogy to the time when Smeagol finds the Ring of power, murdering…

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Acts 19:1-7

Epiphany 1B

Some of us have had the experience of being challenged as to whether we have really received the baptism of the Holy Spirit or not.  Speaking in tongues is not something I have ever experienced, and while I have no reason to doubt the authenticity of those who have received that gift, its lack in…

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Luke 2:22-40

Christmas 1B

It’s amazing how much detail Luke gives us.  If Luke were a movie, it would have been directed by Cecil B. DeMille with a cast of thousands and long, lingering scenes on most every situation imaginable.  The Gospel of Mark by comparison is like a PowerPoint presentation where the presenter goes way too fast through…

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Galatians 4:4-7

Christmas 1B

Whenever a child is born, there is a change in status for various people.  When a first child is born, someone becomes a mother for the first time or a father.  The birth of a child can confer the new status of “grandparent” on someone or perhaps “uncle” or “aunt.”  A new child can turn…

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Luke 1:26-38

Advent 4B

Biblical scholars call passages like Luke 1 “type scenes.”  A modern kind of “type scene” might be something like this: one evening while channel-surfing, you run across a movie already in progress.  It’s obviously a Western with two cowboys standing about thirty yards apart in the middle of a dusty street.  Each man is glaring…

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Romans 16:25-27

Advent 4B

How does one say goodbye?  Paul faced that in every letter he wrote but perhaps his most curious—and in its own way most moving—farewell comes at the end of Romans 16.  Actually all of chapter 16 is an extended farewell.  In fact, for this sermon commentary I am going to widen out the Lectionary text…

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John 1:6-8, 19-28

Advent 3B

“Among you stands one you do not know.” Those were John the Baptist’s words as recorded in John 1:26.  Of course, at that time it was literally true that a quiet carpenter’s son from the backwaters of the Roman Empire was rubbing shoulders with lots of people—including the crowds that jostled together at the banks…

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