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Joshua 5:9-12

Lent 4C

Emerging from the Wilderness The book of Joshua begins with a season of transition among God’s people. Their leader, Moses has just died. Joshua has been installed as their new leader. His job will be to direct the people into the promised land. They cross the Jordan and are now ready to enter the land. …

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Psalm 32

Lent 4C

According to the old saying, “Confession is good for the soul.”  The psalmist who penned Psalm 32 would agree but would also add that not confessing is bad for soul and body.  The psalmist here famously declares that for that season of his life when he refused to own up to and acknowledge the sins…

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Isaiah 55:1-9

Lent 3C

Illustration “It’s not always going to be like this” You know that feeling of early friendship or love? When that other person — the object of your affection — knows you perfectly? Laughs at all your jokes? Finds you endlessly fascinating or attractive? Or maybe it’s the first time you hold that baby — a…

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Psalm 63:1-8

Lent 3C

Even in the middle of the Season of Lent, the Lectionary would just as soon as have us turn a blind eye to anything having to do with punishments for sin and evil.  That has to be why they lop off the final few verses of Psalm 63.  True, there may be some due hesitation…

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Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18

Lent 2C

A Tribal Leader without a Tribe This text invites us to enter into Abram’s story between promise and fulfillment.  Genesis 12 lays out God’s plan: to take Abram and make a great nation and a great name by which all people will be blessed. However, a lot of life has been lived between chapter 12…

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Psalm 27

Lent 2C

At Calvin Theological Seminary for the past two decades we have used as a kind of homiletical template Paul Scott Wilson’s “The Four Pages of the Sermon” format.  As some of you reading this may know, Wilson uses what he calls Trouble and Grace as the two primary components of a sermon.  Page One (or…

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The Elegant Universe

It was exactly 100 years ago in 1905 when an unknown patent clerk named Albert Einstein published a series of papers detailing what he called “special relativity.” In one fell swoop, Einstein shattered centuries’ worth of scientific theories about the fundamental nature of reality. The theories of Isaac Newton and his mechanical understanding of the…

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How Majestic!

The poet of Psalm 8 stared into the night sky and was properly dazzled at what he saw. But to put it mildly, what he did not see was a lot! Had this psalmist been able to spend a scant ten minutes looking through a telescope he would doubtless have fainted in wonderment. Ancient astronomers…

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All Cry Glory!

Thunderstorms.  Even as we sit here in church, right this moment there are likely upwards of 2,000 thunderstorms going on across the earth. On average each day 45,000 such storms occur. They are among the most powerful forces we know. In the simplest sense, but also in perhaps the most boring sense, a thunderstorm is…

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Throughout All Generations

Few scientific facts amaze me more than what Albert Einstein discovered about time.  Each year on New Year’s Eve we briefly pay attention to the ticking of the clock, counting down the minutes and seconds until midnight.  Mostly, though, we don’t watch time pass that intentionally.  The watch on my wrist, the clock on my…

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