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Psalm 22:23-31

Lent 2B

In this week’s Gospel sermon article here on the CEP website I noted the dramatic experience of Peter in Mark 8 when he falls about as far as a person can fall within the span of minutes.  Peter goes from being blessed to the heavens by Jesus to being cursed to the depths of hell…

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Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16

Lent 2B

As any regular reader of my Sermon Commentaries on these Old Testament readings can easily tell, the theme for Lent in Year B of the Revised Common Lectionary is covenant.  Every one of our Lenten readings has to do with God’s covenant in one way or another, even our upcoming lesson from Numbers 21, which…

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Psalm 25:1-10

Lent 1B

Samuel Johnson is reported to have once said something to the effect that we need more often to be reminded than instructed.  And perhaps the RCL thinks so too since Psalm 25 was assigned a few months ago near the end of September.  Probably what I wrote then—most of which is the content of this…

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Genesis 9:8-17

Lent 1B

As we begin our annual Lenten journey to the cross and the tomb, our Old Testament reading takes us to the new journey of the human race after The Flood.  In words that almost directly parallel the Genesis account of creation, the opening verses of Genesis 9 lay out God’s mandates for the new human…

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Psalm 50:1-6

Epiphany 6B

Read just the first six verses of Psalm 50—as the Lectionary would have us do apparently—and it all looks grand.  It is a powerful summation of the almighty power of Israel’s God.  The imagery is majestic and even fierce.  God sallies forth from Mount Zion cloaked in splendor with tempests and fires and bright flashes…

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2 Kings 2:1-12

Epiphany 6B

The compilers of the Revised Common Lectionary have done us preachers a real favor by pairing this Old Testament reading with the story of Jesus Transfiguration in Mark 9.  This juxtaposition of texts will save us from preaching on the importance of mentoring (as many folks will do because the relationship between Elijah and Elisha…

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Symposium 2021: We Should Be Dancing

W.H. Auden wrote, “I know nothing, except what everyone knows—if there when Grace dances, I should dance.” It’s clear that David knew that good truth, but I’m going to have to disagree with Auden, because not everyone seems to know how important dancing can be. For instance, did you know that up until 1995—1995!—dancing was…

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Psalm 147:1-11, 20c

Epiphany 5B

Psalm 147 is a favorite of the Revised Common Lectionary.  It seems to crop up at least once in each liturgical year and this is now the second time it has occurred in the still-new Year B cycle.  This was the psalm—albeit with a slightly different configuration of verses—just one month ago on January 3. …

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Isaiah 40:21-31

Epiphany 5B

Sample sermon: “What Can You Reasonably Expect from God?”  I once preached this sermon, focusing particularly on the beloved verse 31. I received a phone call the other day from a modern-day daughter of Job, whom I will call Mary.  At one time Mary had been a pastor’s wife with 2 young children and a…

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Psalm 111

Epiphany 4B

Psalm 111 is a shook-up bottle of champagne when the cork flies off: it is effervescent, effusive, and thus it is delightfully over the top in most every way.  It’s one of those poems that tempts one to plant tongue firmly in cheek to ask the psalmist, “Don’t hold back: tell us what you really…

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