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Proverbs 31:10-31

Proper 20B

Given the current climate in the church, I suspect that most preachers will steer a wide berth around this (in)famous text.  At the funeral of a great woman who embodied this text, I wondered aloud to the younger women in her life whether this might be a fitting text to be used as a reading. …

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Psalm 19

Proper 19B

Digging Into the Text: Like Psalm 23, 103, and 145, Psalm 19 holds a special place in the hearts of believers as one of the most beloved of the Psalms.  It’s a poetic and theological tour de force.  While its very depth and scope make it a formidable text for preaching, the preacher should not…

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Proverbs 1:20-33

Proper 19B

In Plato’s dialogue Phaedrus Socrates tells an ancient Egyptian legend about a king named Thamus and a god named Theuth. Theuth, it seems, was an inventor of great tools and new technologies. One day he showed King Thamus a vast array of his inventions, climaxing with his most recent innovation: writing. The inventor proudly told…

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Psalm 125

Proper 18B

Digging Into the Text: Psalm 125 is one of that small collection in the book of Psalms called “Songs of Ascent” (120-134).  Most scholars agree that this is most likely a group of songs or chants used by pilgrims going up (ascent} to Jerusalem for one of the three great pilgrimage feasts– Jerusalem, Mount Zion,…

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Proverbs 22:1-2, 8-9, 22-23

Proper 18B

Proverbs 22 is full of famous proverbs on subjects as varied as child-rearing, sexual relations with prostitutes, laziness, the value of wisdom and knowledge, choosing friends and companions, sucking up to the rich and the powerful, abusing alcohol, and money.  It is perhaps the best-known chapter in this book. At first, it seemed a little…

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Psalm 45

Proper 17B

Digging into the Text: In reading this Psalm something about the phrase “palaces adorned with ivory” struck a chord in my memory. After some reflection I realized it was a hymn from my childhood entitled “Ivory Palaces.” It could be found in many hymnals from the first half of the 20th century, and was made…

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Song of Solomon 2:8-13

Proper 17B

This is first and only time the Song of Songs appears in the Revised Common Lectionary, and it is an odd time.  I mean that the reading clearly refers to the first days of spring, while we are in the last days of summer.  What can we do with this oddly timed and controversial reading?…

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Psalm 84

Proper 16B

Did Joseph, Mary, and Jesus sing this psalm on their way to Jerusalem that year when Jesus turned 12?  Psalm 84 is a Song of Ascent, a pilgrimage song.  Like most such psalms it was meant to bolster the determination and the energy and the enthusiasm for Jerusalem-bound travelers heading to the Holy City for…

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1 Kings 8:(1-6, 10-11), 22-30, 41-43

Proper 16B

This is one of the great pivotal chapters in the Bible.  It recalls an event that was to Israel much like the Fourth of July is to Americans.  It marks the end of a long struggle for freedom and security.  At last Israel had complete ownership of the Promised Land and there is peace, both…

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Psalm 111

Proper 15B

We almost certainly do not study the works of the Lord enough.  Psalm 111 is not one of the better known poems in the Hebrew Psalter but it packs a powerful punch of praise and adoration.  Just generally it is a meditation on God’s works in both creation and redemption.  It celebrates the mighty things…

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