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Psalm 22:1-15

Proper 23B

It seems odd that Psalm 22 should crop up in the lectionary at this time of year. We tend to associate it with Lent and Holy Week, not the middle of autumn. Lots of you will probably turn to another of the lections for your text for that reason alone. But hold it. Psalm 22…

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Job 23:1-9; 16-17

Proper 23B

When we left Job last week, he was sitting in the ash heap, covered with nasty open sores, surrounded by three compassionately silent friends, quietly accepting the trouble the Lord had presumably sent into Job’s life.  Here, twenty chapters later, not much has changed in one sense.  Job is still in utter misery.  But in…

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Psalm 26

Proper 22B

Digging into the Text: I am writing this piece a day after the gut-wrenching spectacle of the Kavanaugh hearing. If you ever wondered about the context and meaning of Psalm 26, just think of it on the lips of either one of the witnesses who testified before the Judiciary Committee. Think of Blasey Ford’s hesitant,…

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Job 1:1, 2:1-10

Proper 22B

After a month of looking at Wisdom literature from a woman’s point of view, we will now spend a month in the decidedly masculine book of Job which wrestles with the question that has confounded the wisest women and men in the world.  Why should a righteous person suffer in a world ruled by a…

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Psalm 124

Proper 21B

Digging into the Text: Psalm 124 is again one of that special collection of Psalms called “Songs of Ascent.” These Psalms were associated especially with the liturgical life of Israel during the pilgrim feasts in which the people traveled to Jerusalem and its Temple. It’s clear that this Psalm has a liturgical setting. It begins,…

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Esther 7:1-6, 9-10; 9:20-22

Proper 21B

Our text from Esther today speaks to the human tendency to forget important events, even events that changed our lives and altered the course of history.  That’s why history echoes with cries not to forget.  “Remember the Maine!”  But who does?  “Remember Pearl Harbor!”  But do Millenials do that?  We have Memorial Day to help…

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Psalm 1

Proper 20B

Digging into the Text: Psalm 1 didn’t just happen to be placed at the beginning of the book of Psalms.  After all, Psalms is perhaps the most obviously and carefully edited of all the books of the Bible.  It’s the forward to the book, the opening inscription, the epigram on the first page.  Which means…

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Proverbs 31:10-31

Proper 20B

Given the current climate in the church, I suspect that most preachers will steer a wide berth around this (in)famous text.  At the funeral of a great woman who embodied this text, I wondered aloud to the younger women in her life whether this might be a fitting text to be used as a reading. …

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Psalm 19

Proper 19B

Digging Into the Text: Like Psalm 23, 103, and 145, Psalm 19 holds a special place in the hearts of believers as one of the most beloved of the Psalms.  It’s a poetic and theological tour de force.  While its very depth and scope make it a formidable text for preaching, the preacher should not…

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Proverbs 1:20-33

Proper 19B

In Plato’s dialogue Phaedrus Socrates tells an ancient Egyptian legend about a king named Thamus and a god named Theuth. Theuth, it seems, was an inventor of great tools and new technologies. One day he showed King Thamus a vast array of his inventions, climaxing with his most recent innovation: writing. The inventor proudly told…

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