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Exodus 40

Comments and Observations Take a moment, close your eyes, and imagine a time in your life where you have most noticeably seen or experienced the glory of God. I suspect that most our answers could be grouped into four categories. The first group (and probably the largest of us), likely imagined something from the created…

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Judges 4

Comments and Observations The refrain is common in the book of Judges: “Again the Israelites did evil in the eyes of the Lord” (4:1). The pattern repeats itself over and over again in Judges: the Israelites abandon God, God delivers them into the hands of their enemies, Israel cries out to God, God sends a…

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1 Samuel 9

Comments and Observations When preaching the story of Saul, we pastors have a hard time not beginning the sermon with the end in mind. We know where the story is going – we know who the man of God is and we know that by the end of the story the “message from God” (9:27)…

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Ezekiel 1

Comments and Observations Do you ever start telling a story but then get so bogged down in the details that you end up far astray from the actual point of the story you were trying to tell? Sometimes I find that I’ll tell a story for a particular reason but other people keep asking me…

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Psalm 36:5-10

Epiphany 2C

Verse 1’s reference to an “oracle” that’s in the psalmist’s heart about the wicked’s sinfulness may puzzle citizens of the 21st century who link Oracle to Internet technology. They may wonder if this is some sort of moral “Cloud.” That’s why it’s important to remember the term “oracle” generally refers to some kind of revelation…

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Isaiah 62:1-5

Epiphany 2C

These first verses of Isaiah 62 are like a geyser erupting in hopefulness and wild abundance. This is like a prophetic fireworks display with a never-ending grand finale as color and light fills the skies, eliciting a long string of “Ooohs” and “Ahhhs” from those seeing the spectacle. This is one of those passages so…

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Genesis 19:1-29

There’s a good chance that if you selected the entire chapter of Genesis 19 for your upcoming sermon, you’re questioning your choice. After all, reading these words in front of the entire congregation is rightfully uncomfortable; at the very least, it may feel best read after the children have been dismissed for Sunday School. Those…

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Exodus 5

Ten Seconds. I once read that this is the amount of time the CEOs of large corporations are encouraged to spend ignoring any subordinate who has the nerve to enter into his boss’s office and request a moment of her time.  How those ten seconds are spent does not matter.  A savvy CEO might shuffle…

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Daniel 1

There was a cheery sign beside the highway that led out of the small Midwestern town where I grew up.  The purpose of the sign was, ostensibly, to thank visitors for coming and to encourage them to return soon.  But according to my high school carpool buddy, Bryan, the sign also served a more important…

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Jonah 1-4

Some years ago, Will Smith played a character named Robert Dean in the movie Enemy of the State.  Dean unwittingly ends up possessing a surveillance tape that a high ranking government official does not want him to have.  This official is not sure who Robert Dean is, or how he ended up with the tape. …

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