Content related to Psalms 69

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Psalm 69:7-10, (11-15), 16-18

Proper 7A

The Revised Common Lectionary is usually a straightforward affair when it comes to selected texts.  But with semi-regularity you get a text chopped up the way Psalm 69 is divided in this lection.  First we jump onto the already moving train only at verse 7, then we grab 4 verses, put 5 more in parentheses…

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Psalm 69:7-10, (11-15), 16-18

Proper 7A

If this were a typical year, an ordinary summer season, probably not too many preachers would gravitate to the somewhat plaintive, somewhat brooding 69th Psalm.  In the Year A Lectionary for this particular year, this also falls on Father’s Day for those who observe this.  It’s getting to be summer, vacation season, a time for…

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Psalm 69:7-10, (11-15), 16-18

Proper 7A

Psalm 69 is the cry of a person in extremis.  He uses the conventional language of drowning to describe his distress.  The Jews were a non-nautical people, so the thought of falling into deep water where there is no firm bottom provoked the deepest terror.  We can almost see the Psalmist flailing about as he…

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