Preaching Connection: 2nd Commandment

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Reading for Preaching

A Grief Observed

Your image of another person may have little to do with the actual person. It will do whatever you want it to: smile, frown, lie back for sex. You are the master. So the problem with images of God! They have “none of the rough, cleansing, tang of the other.” Just a kind of incestuous...

Additional content related to 2nd Commandment

Exodus 34:29-35

To understand the end of Exodus 34, you need to catch up on two things: the immediate context of this chapter in Exodus and also what happened in the first 9 verses of this 34th chapter, the final effect of which you can read in the Lectionary selection of verses 29-35. First of all, then,…


Exodus 34:29-35

Fittingly, the season of Epiphany ends with Transfiguration Sunday.  With the possible exception of his resurrection, Christ’s Transfiguration was the most spectacular exhibition of his glory in his life.  Indeed, the Transfiguration was arguably even more glorious than the Resurrection, because Jesus resurrected body did not have about it the unmistakable glory of his transfigured…


Exodus 34:29-35

To understand the end of Exodus 34, you need to catch up on two things: the immediate context of this chapter in Exodus and also what happened in the first 9 verses of this 34th chapter, the final effect of which you can read in the Lectionary selection of verses 29-35. First of all, then,…
