Home » January 8, 2023 - Epiphany 1A
Matthew 3:13-17 Sermon Commentary
Epiphany 1A
In the early third century church, it was the baptism of Jesus that focused the Epiphany celebration, not the visit of the Magi. In fact, Epiphany was included with Easter and Pentecost as the major Christian festivals marked by the Church (The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church). In the fourth century, Epiphany came to…
Acts 10:34-43 Sermon Commentary
Epiphany 1A
Nearly all people, including Christians, have not just favorite people, but also favorite kinds of people. That helps shrink the leap for at least some Christians to the assumption that God too doesn’t just have favorite people, but also favorite kinds of people. This Sunday’s Epistolary Lesson challenges that assumption. As a result, it may…
Psalm 29 Sermon Commentary
Epiphany 1A
Psalm 29 is an ode to a thunderstorm. But this poem is not just that. The primary aim here is to move through the storm to the Lord of the storm, to the King of Creation, to the one, only true, sovereign God: Yahweh. As such, Psalm 29, for all its lyrical and poetic beauty,…
Isaiah 42:1-9 Sermon Commentary
Epiphany 1A
Throughout the “Servant Songs” in this part of Isaiah, despite the focus on the Servant, there is no question who is really in charge and calling all the shots. The Servant has work to do and will achieve that work to a stunning degree of effectiveness. Nothing short of the bringing of justice to all…
Commentary posted on January 8, 2023
Epiphany 1A Sermon Commentary
The Epiphany 1A Sermon Commentaries include reflection and illustration ideas for Matthew 3:13-17 from the Lectionary Gospel; Isaiah 42:1-9 from the Old Testament Lectionary; Psalm 29 from the Lectionary Psalms; and Acts 10:34-43 from the Lectionary Epistle.
Related Reformed confession: Lectionary Gospel: Heidelberg Catechism Q&A 74 (Lord’s Day 27)