Commentary posted on February 27, 2023

Lent 2A Sermon Commentary

The Lent 2A Sermon Commentaries include reflection and illustration ideas for John 3:1-17 from the Lectionary Gospel; Genesis 12:1-4a from the Old Testament Lectionary; Psalm 121 from the Lectionary Psalms; and Romans 4:1-5, 13-17 from the Lectionary Epistle.

Related Reformed confession: Lectionary Epistle: Heidelberg Catechism: Q&A 8 (Lord’s Day 3)


Home » March 5, 2023 - Lent 2A

John 3:1-17 Sermon Commentary

Lent 2A

The fact that perhaps the most well-known bible verse, John 3.16, is part of this philosophical and ontological mind-bending conversation between Nicodemus and Jesus never ceases to fascinate me. Nicodemus is a leader of his faith community and he comes to speak with Jesus in the quiet and solitude of the night. I’m not sure…

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Romans 4:1-5, 13-17 Sermon Commentary

Lent 2A

Few things seem more deeply lodged within the human heart than the longing to belong to something bigger than ourselves. Few people articulated that longing more poignantly than the Irish poet John O’Donohue. In his book Eternal Echoes: Celtic Reflections on Our Yearning to Belong (Harper Perennial, 2000) he wrote, “The hunger to belong is…

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Psalm 121 Sermon Commentary

Lent 2A

For the second week in a row the Year A RCL has assigned a psalm that was also the Year C Psalm lection just a few months ago in October 2022.  So with modest modifications, here is a bit of a rerun on my recent thoughts on preaching this well-known—and very lovely—Hebrew poem. When I…

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Genesis 12:1-4a Sermon Commentary

Lent 2A

 “Go!” That is God’s first word to Abram.  And it sets up what will become a curious dynamic for the people of God forever after.  The people of God are a traveling people.  Wherever “home” might be for us, it is as often as not something still up ahead of us rather than something we…

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