Sermon Commentary Library

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John 18:33-37 Sermon Commentary

Proper 29B

It is the last Sunday in the liturgical year and the lectionary marks it as Christ the King Sunday by bringing us deep into the Passion week narrative to Jesus’ encounter with Pilate. It can be a little jarring to just jump here from the teaching ministry in Mark, but a liturgical focus on Christ…

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John 18:33-37 Sermon Commentary

Proper 29B

Digging into the Text: It’s interesting that this year Christ the King Sunday comes just a few weeks after a very divisive American election.  Actually, as of this writing, it’s not even over yet, as recounts continue in closely fought races.  On top of that, the Gospel for this year is a tense conversation between…

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John 18:33-37 Sermon Commentary

Proper 29B

Comments and Observations: He doesn’t look like a king.  More like a car accident victim.  Or someone who went one too many rounds with Rocky Balboa in the boxing ring. Whether you call this last Sunday before Advent “Christ the King Sunday” or “Reign of Christ Sunday,” there is a kind of delicious irony to…

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