Sermon Commentary Library

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John 20:19-31 Sermon Commentary

Easter 2B

The second Sunday of Easter brings us to this text. The disciples have heard from the women that Jesus has risen from the dead but they are so afraid that they have locked themselves up tight, worried that their lives are in danger by those who put Jesus to death. Fear trumps the witness of…

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John 20:19-31 Sermon Commentary

Easter 2A

What does it take to believe? Just that morning, Mary herself had told them that Jesus was resurrected, and the beloved disciple, having seen the folded-up graveclothes, believed something (though we aren’t sure what). Now, many of them are huddled together in fear, locked away from those who they believe want to do them harm….

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John 20:1-18 Sermon Commentary

Easter Day A

Perhaps you have heard, or even led, the same prayer as me before preaching: it’s something along the lines of, “Lord, give us eyes to see, ears to hear, hearts and minds to understand, and hands and feet willing to go and do what we hear from you in the Word today.” These petitions are…

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John 20:19-31 Sermon Commentary

Easter 2C

Comments, Questions and Observations Often, the focus of this week’s Easter Lectionary is on Thomas. His “doubt” is rather relatable, and it seems to be what Jesus reflects directly upon when he declares a beatitude about belief.  (It really is too bad for Thomas that he wasn’t there that Easter evening with the other disciples….

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John 20:19-31 Sermon Commentary

Easter 2B

Doubting Thomas. Don’t you hate it when you make one mistake and it defines you from then on out?!  One little mistake and Thomas becomes a morality lesson, a byword, a counter-example of anything we’d ever want to be.  In truth, however, there is more than a little of Thomas in all of us. When…

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John 20:19-23 Sermon Commentary

Pentecost A

My friend the Bible teacher/commentator Dale Bruner is a wonderful teacher of biblical stories.  He is largely retired now but years ago part of Dale’s teachings usually included some dramatic re-enactments of the story at hand.  He always elicited a chuckle from the class at this point in John 20 when he reaches a certain…

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John 20:19-31 Sermon Commentary

Easter 2A

Locked inside because of fear.  Sound familiar to anyone?  Well, alas, yes it does just now.  We will loop back to this COVID-19 related thought below but first let’s look at the disciple at the center of this post-Easter story. Poor Thomas.  He is the classic example of the old saying, “Make just one little…

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John 20:1-18 Sermon Commentary

Easter Day A

In a recent article on preaching in these days of COVID-19 isolation and fear, I suggested that despite the sadness we are all feeling at not being able to gather for Easter services in 2020, we don’t want to preach downer sermons.  We don’t want our own disappointment at not being able to preach to…

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John 20:19-31 Sermon Commentary

Easter 2C

Sample Sermon:  Why didn’t they go looking for him? Today we pick up right where we left off last week on Easter here in John 20.  When last we saw the disciples, Mary Magdalene had just burst in with the excited and exciting news, “I have seen the Lord!” Earlier that day, when Mary told…

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