Sermon Commentary Library

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Matthew 17:1-9 Sermon Commentary

Epiphany 7A

Whether we realize it or not, this scene is closely linked to Jesus’s death. For starters, the last thing Matthew tells us about, what we’re “six days later” from, is a lot of frank conversation between Jesus and his disciples about his impending death. You know the scene—the one where Jesus looks at Peter and…

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Matthew 17:1-9 Sermon Commentary

Last Epiphany A

In the Harry Potter books, the students at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry have to take a course in “Transfiguration.”  There they learn how to change teacups into rats or flowers into candles.  And to most people’s minds that is pretty much what “transfiguration” is, too: it is a change of state from…

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Matthew 17:1-9 Sermon Commentary

Last Epiphany A

In the Harry Potter books, the students at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy have to take a course in “Transfiguration.”  There they learn how to change teacups into rats or flowers into candles.   And to most people’s minds that is pretty much what “transfiguration” is, too: it is a change of state from…

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