Sermon Commentary Library

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Numbers 21:4-9 Sermon Commentary

Lent 4B

The people of Israel have been wandering around in that desert for quite awhile. You know how this goes: slaves in Egypt, they are freed by God’s mighty hand, some plagues and the parting of the Red Sea. They make it to the border of the Promised Land, send in some spies who — with…

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Numbers 21:4-9 Sermon Commentary

Lent 4B

In our Lenten journey this year, the RCL has been focusing on the theme of God’s covenant—with Noah and all creation, with Abraham and his descendants, with Israel at Sinai, and next week with the world as promised through Jeremiah’s words to the Exiles.  In our reading for today, we have a vivid picture of…

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Numbers 21:4-9 Sermon Commentary

Lent 4B

Snakes have had, at best, a mixed reputation throughout history.  Some people have associated them with healing.  A snake, after all, represented Asclepius, the Greek god of healing.  The modern symbol of the medical profession is also a snake wrapped around a branch. What’s more, in some passages in Scripture, snakes also have somewhat positive…

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Numbers 21:4-9 Sermon Commentary

Lent 4B

Comments, Observations, and Questions to Consider You really cannot appreciate this passage from Numbers 21 without paying attention to the surrounding context.  In the first three verses of this chapter, we get a tiny narrative snippet about a time the Israelites got knocked around by some Canaanite king named Arad.   A few Israelites got nabbed,…

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