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1 Samuel 17: (1a, 4-11, 19-23), 32-49

Proper 7B

What’s not to like about this story? It has everything a good story needs: a scrappy young up-start, in intimidating and arrogant bully and a dramatic reversal of fortune with national consequences.  For all that we say the Bible isn’t a book of heroes, this story — and it’s popularity in Sunday school classrooms around…

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1 Samuel 15:34 – 16:13

Proper 6B

Comments, Observations and Questions: God’s Regret? This week’s reading begins in an uncomfortable place: with the failure of King Saul — a King appointed by God.  And so we are told that God regrets (in some translations, repents from) making Saul king.  What are we to make of a God who regrets and/or repents?  Folks…

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1 Samuel 8:4-11, (12-15), 16-20, (11:14-15)

Proper 5B

Getting Political This week’s lectionary reading fronts a larger section of text that tells us what happens when God’s people “get political.”  From the start, God’s people have been shaped and sustained through covenants.  Of course, there have always been leaders mediating this covenant — folks like Moses and Joshua feature prominently in that list. …

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1 Samuel 3:1-10, (11-20)

Proper 4B

Illustration It is a strange trick of the lectionary that we are back to 1 Samuel 3 for the season of Pentecost even though we just engaged it during the season of Epiphany — there are several archived sermon commentaries you can access for the text.  For the purpose of this week, though, I want…

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1 Samuel 3:1-10, (13-20)

Epiphany 2B

Calling In the context of this morning’s Gospel reading and perhaps even some elements of the psalm, a straightforward reading might catalog this text under the genre of “call stories.” There are plenty of texts that fall in this category throughout Scripture: Abraham, Moses, Saul, David, the prophets and, yes, the disciples called by Jesus:…

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1 Samuel 16:1-13

Lent 4A

“Then the Lord regretted he had made Saul king.”  That’s the last line in 1 Samuel 15.  Apparently, however, God got over his regret sooner than did Samuel.  Because as chapter 16 opens, Samuel appears to still be moping around in grief whereas God comes to him and says, “Chin up!  Let’s get past this…

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1 Samuel 2:18-20, 26

1st Sunday after Christmas C

Two Temples. Two Boys. One boy is apparently lost.  The other boy is apparently given up by his parents. One boy is not at all lost but is at home in the Temple doing his real Father’s work.  The other boy is making his home in the Temple and slowly discovering what may well be…

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1 Samuel 1:4-20

Proper 28B

It’s curious how often the purposes of God move forward not just despite familial dysfunction but sometimes even because of it.  We’ve got a load of dysfunction coming up in the Samuel story through the shenanigans of Hophni and Phineas—and Eli’s hand-wringing inability to do a blessed thing about it all.  But we’ve got nettlesome…

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1 Samuel 17:(1a, 4-11, 19-23), 32-49

Proper 7B

As we continue to trace the development of the monarchy in Israel and use that history to reflect on the relationship between human leadership and divine sovereignty in our own lives, we come to this famous story of David and Goliath.  It is the second chapter in the story of David’s rise to power in…

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1 Samuel 15:34-16:13

Proper 6B

This old story about God’s choice of David as the new king of Israel fairly bubbles with contemporary relevance, especially in America.  I wrote the first draft of this Sermon Commentary just a few weeks after the inauguration of the Biden/Harris team.  The words of Shakespeare’s witches of Eastwick described the national mood perfectly: “Double,…

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