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2 Samuel 11:1-15

Proper 12B

Previously, in the Life of David… Before we proceed and in order that we can proceed well, it’s important to review where we’ve been in the life of David.  When last we met our hero, he had wanted to build a temple for God’s dwelling place.  Although it wasn’t the right move, we can easily…

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2 Samuel 11:26-12:13a

Proper 13B

But the thing that David had done displeased the Lord. Talk about dramatic understatement! The presence of the Lord had been absent throughout the whole chapter of 2 Samuel 11 until the very end.  But that’s only on the surface.  Most everything David did here was “while no one else was looking,” but we know…

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2 Samuel 11:1-15

Proper 12B

A sermon on this text might be entitled, “The Dream Ends, The Nightmare Begins.”  This text is the Continental Divide of David’s life and of the history of the monarchy in Israel.  Up to this story, everything gets better and better for David, as he climbs (or, more accurately, is lifted by God’s grace) from…

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2 Samuel 11:26-12:13a

Proper 13B

The world is full of people who seem to get away with murder, and theft, and adultery, and lying, and abuse, and rape.  Oh, every once in a while someone gets caught and punished, like the Golden State Killer.  But for everyone who gets caught, how many aren’t?  It sure seems as though you can…

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2 Samuel 11:1-15

Proper 12B

When my family lived in West Germany in the early 70’s, teenagers celebrated New Year’s Eve by lighting firecrackers.  Among their favorites were strings of firecrackers that they linked together.  One lit fuse would eventually produce a whole string of small explosions. 2 Samuel 11 is a bit reminiscent of those firecrackers.  After all, just…

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2 Samuel 11

Proper 13B

See the OT commentary for 12B which covers both weeks:

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2 Samuel 11

Proper 12B

This commentary is for both 12B and 13B: In a memorable sermon on this text, Haddon Robinson said that this difficult chapter in the David saga is a good example of what can happen in middle age when we let our defenses down and become maybe a bit too full of ourselves, a bit too…

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Symposium 2010: David and the Use of Power: To Be Served or To Serve?

Morning worship January 30, 2010 at Symposium

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You Are the Man

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