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2 Samuel 6:1-19

Proper 10B

Comments, Observations and Questions: There is a lot going on in these not-quite-20 verses of King David’s story. The pieces feel disparate but if you sting them together in the right way, you may actually find a somewhat convincing tale of failure —> redemption or sin —> salvation. Why Now? In at least one commentary,…

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2 Samuel 6:1-5, 12b-19

Proper 10B

There is no question what this text is about—the ark of the covenant.  It is mentioned over and over, nine times in all.  So is David; his name comes up even more.  David brings the ark of the covenant into Jerusalem.  That’s what this text is about.  But, so what?  Why was that so important…

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Symposium 2021: We Should Be Dancing

W.H. Auden wrote, “I know nothing, except what everyone knows—if there when Grace dances, I should dance.” It’s clear that David knew that good truth, but I’m going to have to disagree with Auden, because not everyone seems to know how important dancing can be. For instance, did you know that up until 1995—1995!—dancing was…

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2 Samuel 6:1-5; 12b-19

Proper 10B

2 Samuel 6 contains enough action and vivid images to fill a whole Netflix series.  It, after all, features a mysterious box, stumbling oxen and impetuous priest.  Our text also gives us a dancing king, livid queen and one great big party. David has spent many years running from Saul.  However, as 2 Samuel 6…

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2 Samuel 6:1-5; 12b-19

Proper 10B

One of my students once preached a sermon from Joshua that was, shall we say, downright “edgy.”  He began by quoting a comedy routine done by a non-practicing Jew in which this comedian tackled—without knowing he was doing so—that great question long ago raised by Marcion: why does the God of the Old Testament appear…

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