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Acts 1:15-17, 21-26

Easter 7B

Image: May often signals a season of transition in the church.  Graduations, maybe the end of a Sunday school season with thanks to the teachers and time off in the summer. These ends often don’t immediately lead to new beginnings but, rather, to in-between times. It’s hard to live in “in between” spaces — in…

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Acts 1:1-21


It’s hard to remember a Pentecost Sunday on which the brokenness and division of the world into which God sent the Holy Spirit was on fuller display than 2023’s. So much pulls groups of people and nations apart that if people are to be united, something drastic must happen. Yet Luke begins his description of…

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Acts 1:6-14

Easter 7A

When it comes to what’s up and what’s down in this passage, there is a lot of back-and-forth when you think about it. First off, as we begin Acts, Jesus is where he has been for about the last six weeks: he is mostly here on this earth walking around with, eating dinner with, and…

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Acts 1:15-17, 21-26

Easter 7B

If I were to preach on this passage, my sermon would be entitled, “And Then There Were Twelve.”  Here’s why. To begin with, I was a bit surprised by the RCL’s choice for today.  We’ve been following the progress of the Gospel out into the world, following Jesus directions/prophecy in Acts 1:8.  And given that…

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Acts 1:6-14

Easter 7A

On this Seventh Sunday of the Easter season, it is fitting that the first reading is about the Ascension of Jesus.  There is a real sense in which Jesus’ resurrection and his ascension are two parts of one glorious act; he rose from the dead and he kept rising into heaven.  Between the two risings…

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Acts 1:15-17, 21-26

Easter 7B

Where besides Acts 1 does Matthias’ name appear in the Scriptures?  The answer is, of course, “Nowhere.”  After all, as quickly as Matthias appears in Acts 1, he disappears again.  Yet while that might render him as little more than a biblical footnote, it’s one of Acts 1’s details that may be an avenue to…

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Symposium 2018: The Ascension

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Acts 1:6-14

Easter 7A

Why do you stand here looking into the sky? is the compelling question around which, in some ways, the text the Lectionary appoints for this Sunday revolves.  However, it’s also a question that the Lord might pose to Acts 1’s preachers, teachers and those who listen to us: Why do you stand here looking into…

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Acts 1:15-17, 21-26

Easter 7B

Comments, Observations, and Questions to Consider Note: The Common Lectionary during Eastertide substitutes readings from Acts for Old Testament lections.  Pentecost hasn’t happened just yet and so maybe we can give Peter a break for an exegetical exercise that you simply have to assume would not pass muster in the average seminary Bible course.  Replacing…

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The Risks of Truth-Telling

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