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Acts 10:44-48

Easter 6B

Sermon Introduction/Set-Up Consider: what are the activities, practices, traditions, theological convictions, sacred cows that make your congregation unique?  What gives your church its sense of identity? Now, before beginning the sermon, consider making an “announcement.” Effective immediately, the church will no longer be doing any of those things. No Sunday worship. No programming. No prayer….

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Acts 10:34-43

Easter Day A

“He was not seen by all the people.” I’ll say. This is what Peter tells Cornelius in Acts 10 as he sums up the story arc of Jesus’ life, including the world-altering fact of his having been raised from the dead.   Jesus was raised again!  He arose!!   But . . . by way of a…

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Acts 10:34-43

Epiphany 1A

Nearly all people, including Christians, have not just favorite people, but also favorite kinds of people. That helps shrink the leap for at least some Christians to the assumption that God too doesn’t just have favorite people, but also favorite kinds of people. This Sunday’s Epistolary Lesson challenges that assumption. As a result, it may…

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Acts 10:34-43

Easter Sunday

Comments, Observations, and Questions When you are a devout person who wants nothing more than to serve God, then there are few shocks to the system quite as great as spiritual shocks.  Just ask the apostle Peter.  He knows all about this kind of thing.  Because unlike some of our religious customs and taboos today—the…

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Acts 10:44-48

Easter 6B

We are swiftly coming to the end of the Lectionary’s celebration of the mighty acts of God in Christ.  Ordinary Time is nearly upon us.  But first we commemorate Christ’s Ascension next Sunday and Pentecost the Sunday after that.  Today our focus is on what many scholars call “The Gentile Pentecost.” Our text is one…

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Acts 10:34-43

Easter Day A

In this (Old Testament?) reading, we hear not the original story about how Jesus rose from the dead after being crucified by Roman soldiers, but a retelling of that story to a Roman soldier.  If you want to emphasize the fact of the resurrection in your Easter sermon, choose the Gospel readings for your text. …

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Acts 10:34-43

Epiphany 1A

On this Sunday on which the RCL invites us to contemplate Jesus’ baptism, it omits the account of Cornelius’ baptism from its Epistolary Lesson.  That may at least imply that the RCL is less interested in the Romans or even Jesus’s baptism than with the baptized Jesus (and his Church’s) mission.  A mission that has…

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Acts 10:44-48

Easter 6B

May Christians ever give up hope for the salvation of any living person?  Can we, in other words, simply abandon anyone to Satan’s captivity?  What about those who have already received God’s grace with their faith?  May God’s adopted sons and daughters ever deliberately or even unconsciously abandon these fellow Christians? Certainly some early Christians…

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Acts 10:34-43

Easter Day A

I sometimes wonder if Peter almost choked on the words: “I now know that God does not show favoritism…”  In fact, with one biblical scholar, I sometimes wonder how he ever justified this to himself, much less Jerusalem’s church, as he does later. After all, Jews like Peter had always recognized that God might show…

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Acts 10:34-43

Epiphany 1A

It beats me why the Lectionary—on a Sunday celebrating the baptism of Jesus—cuts this reading off at verse 43 just BEFORE there is a wonderful scene of baptism in Acts 10.  In fact, I was so sure it was a typo on the one Lectionary site I consult each week that I looked up the…

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