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Acts 2:1-21


Illustration One year, the week before Pentecost, I was volunteering with an interfaith food pantry, hosted by a Christian congregation.  Twice, my fellow volunteers — both Jewish — asked about the change in the sanctuary decor and so I had the opportunity to talk with them about Pentecost. I mentioned how all the Jews were…

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Acts 2:1-21


It was an annual holiday and so people knew what to expect.  That’s how it goes with regularly occurring events.  Yes, there can be minor variations but when it’s Christmastime, we all have our typical ways of celebrating the occasion and the same goes for Easter or Thanksgiving or even the Fourth of July.  We…

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Acts 2:42-47

Easter 4A

Every once in a while when surveying the sometimes messy, untidy nature of church life, someone will say to me “If only the church today could be more like the Early Church in Acts.”  My typical, semi-cheeky retort to this is usually, “Have you read The Book of Acts?  We already are like the church…

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Acts 2:14a, 22-32

Easter 3A

“And for all who are far off . . .” I guess that’s us. I guess that’s everybody. It was even, at least for a time, Peter and company.  After all, the crucifixion accounts make it clear that the disciples watched Jesus die from a distance.  It’s the same word as in Acts 2: makran,…

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Acts 2:14a, 22-32

Easter 2A

Garry Wills once wrote a fine book titled, Lincoln at Gettysburg: The Words That Remade America.  Wills claims that in the Gettysburg Address, Abraham Lincoln—in the span of a scant 272 words that took him all of three minutes to deliver—forever altered our understanding of the Declaration of Independence.  Lincoln was not even the main…

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Acts 2:1-21

Pentecost C

COVID-19.  Has anything in our experience ever made us think as much about the act of respiration, of breathing, than the global pandemic we have been in for over two years now?  Way back in 2006 I visited Japan.  At that time there was no particular flu bug worrying anyone.  Yet I was struck to…

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Acts 2:2-21

Pentecost B

Arguably it is harder to write a fresh sermon on Pentecost than on Christmas or Easter.  Those last two major events in redemptive history are proclaimed in multiple Biblical texts, so there are different angles to take on Christmas and Easter.  Pentecost, on the other hand, is reported in only one text, our text for…

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Acts 2:1-21

Pentecost A

Every pulpit veteran has preached on this story many times, but this year we have a ready-made angle into it.  We have seen more than our share of violent winds the past year, haven’t we?  Hurricanes in the Caribbean, tornadoes all over the South, and in my home territory of West Michigan those bomb cyclones…

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Acts 2:42-47

Easter 4A

We are in our fourth Sunday of reflections on Easter, using the book of Acts as our guide.  We began on Easter in Acts 10, where we saw the world-changing significance of Christ’s Resurrection in Peter’s startling realization that God includes people from every nation in his covenantal embrace.  Then we backed up to Peter’s…

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Acts 2:14a, 36-41

Easter 3A

As I said last week, the RCL doesn’t want us to celebrate Easter for one glorious day and then move on to something else.  It invites us to spend 7 Sundays reflecting on this world changing event with a leisurely journey through the book of Acts.  We began on Easter Sunday with Acts 10, where…

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