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Acts 3:12-19

Easter 3B

They didn’t know what they were doing or — more importantly — who they were doing it to when they handed Jesus over to be killed, disowning him before Pilate and asking for Barrabbas to be released instead. After a gut-punching litany of accusation like that, there’s a small grace, at least, in Peter’s willingness…

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Acts 3:12-19

Easter 3B

This is the second major sermon in the early church. Like the first one, it was occasioned by a miraculous event, in this case the healing of a beggar who had been crippled since birth.  “While the beggar held on to Peter and John, all the people were astonished and came running to them in…

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Acts 3:12-19

Easter 3B

When our family visited China a number of years ago, my wife had a hard time keeping up with our sons who all stand over 6 feet 4 inches tall.  So we’d often walk a few steps behind them.  As we did so, we lost count of how many people passed them, turned around and…

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Acts 3:12-19

Easter 3B

Similar to what Jesus taught him and the other disciples at the end of Luke 24 (the Gospel lection for this same week in the Year B Lectionary), Peter in Acts 3 suggests that the healing of the crippled beggar—who was even then still hanging on Peter’s pant leg—is less a startling, previously unheard-of event…

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