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Deuteronomy 18:15-20

Epiphany 4B

Judges, Kings, Priests and Prophets – oh my! Up to this point in Deuteronomy, the law has spelled out the role of kings and judges and priests. Each is invested with a distinct kind of institutional authority.  However, over time, in the history of Israel and her people, these roles began to take on a…

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Deuteromony 18:15-20

Epiphany 4B

A couple of weeks before the Presidential election in the US, Pat Robertson gave another of his fantastic prophecies: President Trump would win the election, widespread civil discontent would follow, and five years later a huge asteroid would hit the world.  Robertson has been giving spectacular prophecies for years now.  He has predicted the exact…

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Deuteronomy 18:15-20

Epiphany 4B

Those who take a deep enough whiff of Deuteronomy 18 may detect at least a hint of death clinging to it.  In fact, we might even say that the scent of death both lingers within and bookends the Old Testament lesson the Lectionary appoints for this Sunday. The lesson begins innocently enough, though (again!) right…

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Deuteronomy 18:15-20

Epiphany 4B

Talk about your wheel within a wheel (and perhaps within yet another wheel at that!) As Robert Jenson has pointed out, Deuteronomy is the one part of the Bible that is itself presented as a sermon. So when a pastor preaches on Deuteronomy, she is already doing a sermon based on another sermon. But now…

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