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Isaiah 6:1-8 (9-13)
Epiphany 5C
Illustration: It Doesn’t Get Better Than This As a graduate student, I am currently in a season of studying for my comprehensive exams. A couple months ago, I took my reading lists, a calendar and opened a brand new spreadsheet on my computer. I took the afternoon to create a weekly calendar and scheduled my…
Isaiah 62:1-5
Epiphany 2C
Embarrassingly Loved If you blush easily, prepare yourself for this week’s lectionary text out of Hebrew Scripture! After all the desolations of the early chapters of Isaiah, we saw the turn last week with Isaiah 43. Less than 20 chapters later, reading Scripture can feel almost like eavesdropping the sweet nothings of young lovers or…
Isaiah 43:1-7
Epiphany 1C
Illustration/Image: One of the blockbuster movies from this past holiday season for a movie adaptation of the musical, Wicked, the story of The Wizard of Oz as told by the “wicked” witch of the West. In both the original musical and this latest spin-off, the presence of the Wizard looms large. He is lauded with…
Isaiah 12:2-6
Advent 3C
For the second Sunday in a row the Year C Advent Lectionary does not have an actual Psalm assigned but instead another psalm-like passage. Last week it was Zechariah’s song from Luke 1 and today on this Third Advent Sunday it is a lyric passage from Isaiah 12. This chapter of course follows on the…
Isaiah 35:4-7
Proper 18B
Is the Anger of God Good News? All the way back in Isaiah 27, the sword of the Lord’s wrath is brought out. We are told in verse 4 that thorns and briers will war against Israel’s enemies, that unless there is peace, God will bring judgment. All of these images are picked back up…
Isaiah 6:1-8
Trinity Sunday B
Illustration For many congregations in North America, this lectionary text will coincide with graduation celebrations — a season when the story of God’s calling and, especially, God’s overcoming our weakness and frailty to accomplish God’s purposes will be a very live factor in the sanctuary on Sunday mornings. This would be a great Sunday to…
Isaiah 25:6-9
Easter Day B
I wonder if there are many preachers who will choose to take the Old Testament Lection as their primary text on Easter Sunday morning? It seems to me that the greater gift and opportunity presented by this text is the way that it sings harmony on the song of resurrection. So I will offer my…
Isaiah 50:4-9
Palm Sunday B
A Turn Toward the Passion Interestingly, the Lectionary provides two sets of readings for this last Sunday in Lent: (1) a Psalm and Gospel that celebrate the procession with the Palms and (2) a full set of four readings that look ahead to all that stands between the false and frivolous praise of Palm Sunday…
Isaiah 40:21-31
Epiphany 5B
Psalm 103 promises that God will satisfy our desire for good things, using words that will sound familiar from the reading of Isaiah 40: “so that your youth is renewed like the eagles.” The parallels between these texts are instructive. Psalm 103 does not begin with God’s promise of satisfaction but with forgiveness, healing, liberation…
Isaiah 61:10-62:3
Christmas 1B
Rejoicing in Salvation For those churches that celebrate a strict Advent fast from Christmas hymns, this Sunday lands with all the pent-up energy of the season. Church musicians stuff this service full of all the carols that wouldn’t fit on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning worship. There are plenty of “Joy to the Worlds” and…
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