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John 17:6-19

Easter 7B

Jesus prays for our protection. He prays for our protection so that we may be one, as God is one (v 11). Our unity is a witness to the Trinity. He does not pray that we will be removed from the trials and temptations, from the pressures of the world, or isolated from alternate ways…

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John 17:1-11

Easter 7A

Unity, it seems, is that elusive description for God’s church. We hear the calls for it but disagree on the terms. We know it is part of God’s solution for what ails humanity, but we cannot grasp the way of sacrifice on the road to peace. We rightly identify it as the way that Jesus…

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John 17:20-26

Easter 7C

Though Jesus prayed this prayer before his crucifixion and resurrection, as part of the season of Easter this passage continues to shape our understanding of the Resurrection New Life that God invites us to live. This is especially true because Christ’s prayer is for his people across time and space—and not just the disciples who…

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John 17:6-19

Easter 7B

“You’re only as happy as your unhappiest child.” That is a saying of my former colleague Ron Nydam.  And he’s right.  Worse yet, we all know that you cannot insure the happiness of your children, either.  And that truth is married to another undeniable fact and that is this: the wider world in which we…

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John 17:1-11

Easter 7A

Every once in a while someone discovers a recording that until then no one knew existed.  Maybe it’s John F. Kennedy on the phone with Nikita Khrushchev.  Or it’s some other famous person having a conversation with yet another high profile person.  Once the recording comes out, it’s fascinating because now we get to eavesdrop…

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John 17:20-26

Easter 7C

One of the most creative preachers I know who always manages to approach texts in a very fresh way is Debbie Blue.  For this text, she reminds us that biblically “glory doesn’t shine, it bleeds.”  You can hear that sermon by clicking here. What does Jesus mean by all his talk here about “glory”? “I…

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John 17:6-19

Easter 7B

“You’re only as happy as your unhappiest child.”  That is a saying of my former colleague Ron Nydam.  And he’s right.  Worse yet, we all know that you cannot insure the happiness of your children, either.  And that truth is married to another undeniable fact and that is this: the wider world in which we…

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John 17:1-11

Easter 7A

Every once in a while someone discovers a recording that until then no one knew existed.  Maybe it’s John F. Kennedy on the phone with Nikita Khrushchev or some other famous person having a conversation with yet another high profile person.  Once the recording comes out, it’s fascinating because now we get to eavesdrop on…

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John 17:20-26

Easter 7C

One of the most creative preachers I know who always manages to approach texts in a very fresh way is Debbie Blue.   For this text, she reminds us that biblically “glory doesn’t shine, it bleeds.”   You can hear that sermon by clicking on this link. What does Jesus mean by all his talk here about…

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John 17:6-19

Easter 7B

Comments and Observations “You’re only as happy as your unhappiest child.”  That is a saying of my former Pastoral Care colleague Ron Nydam.  And he’s right.  But the truth is that parents all know that as a matter of fact you cannot insure the happiness of your children.  And that truth is married to another…

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