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Luke 4:1-13

Lent 1C

For many of us in more evangelical traditions, we think of retreats as pleasant and uplifting spaces where we can reconnect with God, be refreshed, and maybe even have a “mountaintop” spiritual experience. Retreats are hard to make space and time for, so it really isn’t surprising to me that most of us modern Christians…

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Luke 9:28-36

Transfiguration Sunday C

Comments, Questions, and Observations The liturgical calendar gives us a glimpse and experience of glory before reminding us that we are dust and to dust we shall return. Transfiguration Sunday ends Epiphany even as our heels are nipped by Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent—a season where we will try our very hardest to…

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Luke 6:27-38

Epiphany 7C

From the highs of naming names and giving the high and mighty the what for last week, we come down to the realization of what God’s mercy means for all of us this week. It turns out that those who are blessed are meant to love, do good towards, and bless and pray for those…

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Luke 6:17-26

Epiphany 6C

Along with a number of his others disciples, the newly minted inner twelve have come down the mountain with Jesus. The plain where Jesus stops them is full of people: great crowd of disciples, great multitudes from all over. They are all there because of Jesus. The people have come to hear him and be…

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Luke 5:1-11

Epiphany 5C

I’m intrigued by the way Jesus enlists Simon Peter at each stage of this miracle, and how, by doing so, Jesus leads Peter to conversion. The story begins with Jesus teaching a large group of people. As more and more gather and push in on him in order to hear his unique take on the…

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Luke 4:21-30

Epiphany 4C

We really run the gamut of human emotions during Jesus’s first preaching assignment in his hometown. How does the congregation go from being amazed, all eyes fixed on Jesus, to so livid with him that they try to lynch him? I emphasised the moment of the Holy Spirit at work as Jesus preached in the…

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Luke 4:14-21

Epiphany 3C

Jesus’s opening teaching session in the gospel of Luke is divided between this week and next. The division affords us the opportunity to hold off on the challenge that Jesus’s prophetic voice will always bring to us as we listen to him. And in light of the Epiphany season, we can read our current text…

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Luke 3:15-17, 21-22

Epiphany 1C

We’re well into the new year now. The decorations have come down, holiday breaks are over, life is getting back to normal and we’re all getting back to it. When it comes to Jesus’s ministry, Luke, it seems, also wants to get on with it: unlike Matthew and Mark and John, Luke puts Jesus’s baptism…

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Luke 2:41-52

Christmas 1C

We know where to find him. That’s the sense I keep coming back to with this lone story about Jesus as a teenager. Maybe it’s the stage of life I’m in. Maybe it’s world events and how some of us seem to have lost the plot on what it means to be a Christian. Maybe…

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Luke 1:39-45 (46-55)

Advent 4C

We don’t hear Mary and the angel’s conversation this year but we do witness its aftereffects. Seized with anticipation of a fellow miracle-receiver, Mary hastens to the countryside to find her elder cousin Elizabeth. The thing is, we’re told that Mary was given the scoop about Elizabeth’s pregnancy from the angel Gabriel, but not vice…

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