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Matthew 24:36-44

Advent 1A

In Anne Tyler’s novel, The Amateur Marriage, we witness a sad series of events. The book’s main characters are Michael and Pauline, a pair of World War II-era sweethearts who get married and eventually have three children. But then one day their oldest child, Lindy, just disappears. She runs away from home and promptly falls…

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Romans 13:11-14

Advent 1A

As with any number of Lectionary readings, we have a “this” in Romans 13:11 whose antecedent you cannot know unless you back up to the first ten verses of this passage.  The immediate context of the “this” (as in “And do THIS . . .”) is the command to love your neighbor as yourself.  The…

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Luke 23:33-43

Proper 29C

In most every language I have ever studied, it’s a tiny word.   In fact, although I am aware of only a few languages amidst the plethora of tongues spoken on this planet, it’s striking to me that in the languages I know, this tiny word is about as tiny as it gets, consisting of just…

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Colossians 1:11-20

Proper 29C

Let no preacher be blasé about these verses from Colossians 1.  Let no one miss the punch, the power, the sheer wonder of what Paul says here.  Those who have long known the fundamental beliefs of the Christian faith could, I suppose, skate over top of these verses altogether too lightly and swiftly without noticing…

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Luke 21:5-19

Proper 28C

Talk about the end of the world and everybody gets interested.   The disciples were, too, when Jesus predicted some apocalyptic events.   “Well,” they asked with faces a shade paler than they had been moments before, “when will all that bad stuff happen?”   In answering them, Jesus gets even more vivid in predicting great and terrible…

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2 Thessalonians 3:6-13

Proper 28C

We all struggle with sin and temptation and so we need to heed the challenges of Scripture when it advises us on how to lead God-glorifying lives.  It would be merely self-deceptive and tinged with no small amount of hubris for us to dispense with any parts of God’s Word on the premise that we…

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Luke 20:27-38

Proper 27C

“And no one dared to ask him any more questions.” That must have come as a great relief to Jesus in that he had lately been pummeled with one tricky query after the next.   Technically that line in verse 40 falls just outside the lection prescribed here, which ends in verse 38 (why it ends…

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2 Thessalonians 2:1-5, 13-17

Proper 27C

Among the things Jesus and Paul made eminently clear in the New Testament is the idea that disciples of Christ are not supposed to run around wild-eyed about the return of Jesus and the end of history as we’ve known it.  Don’t panic, Jesus said.  Don’t be deceived that this thing happened in secret somewhere…

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Luke 19:1-10

Proper 26C

Maybe it was that sycamore tree that did it. Maybe even before Jesus wandered by, Zacchaeus looked at where he was and wondered how it had come to this.  What was it that had quite literally chased him clean up a tree?  His nice Armani tunic had a chlorophyll stain or two on it from…

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2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12

Proper 26C

“To that end . . .” begins 2 Thessalonians 1:11.   Ah, but inquiring minds want to know to WHICH end and why?  What is the antecedent to this?  The Revised Common Lectionary would have you remain ignorant of that by suggesting that you politely skip over verses 5-10 so that you are left only with…

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