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Hebrews 9:11-14

Proper 26B

This week’s Epistolary Lesson is a bloody one.  In fact, it’s so bloody that citizens of the already figuratively blood-soaked 21st century may be uncomfortable with it.  Even its preachers and teachers may wonder how to apply Hebrews 9’s truths to a world that’s already in some ways soaked in the blood of war, ethnic…

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Mark 12:28-34

Proper 26B

Prior to our lectionary text, Jesus has been engaging in debates with the temple leaders—most recently with the Sadducees about the resurrection. Now, Mark says, a scribe who’s been listening in decides to ask Jesus his own question. However, unlike the leaders who have gone before him, this scribe isn’t trying to debate, catch Jesus…

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Mark 10:46-52

Proper 25B

Well, at least it wasn’t the disciples this time. There are a lot of deep running themes in this scene, but why would be surprised by that? Jesus has shown himself time and time again to be a certain kind of Messiah in the Gospel of Mark, and as Mark’s narrative enters a new stage…

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Hebrews 7:23-28

Proper 25B

In the United States, this is a season of campaigning and electioneering. On top of all the uncertainty that elections ordinarily create is the fact that the incumbent president, Joseph Biden, is not running for re-election. America’s next president will be different from the current one. This means that there will be a transition between…

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Mark 10:35-45

Proper 24B

Comments, Questions, and Observations Saying, “Before I ask you something, I want you to promise me that you’ll do whatever I ask,” is almost always a sign that something is amiss. On the positive, the person making the request could have more confidence in the person they are speaking to than that person has in…

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Hebrews 5:1-10

Proper 24B

This Sunday’s Epistolary Lesson is so grounded in Jewish theology and praxis that 21st century non-Jewish preachers may find it challenging to preach about in a way that’s faithful to both the text and our own context. However, given the text’s focus on the work of a high priest, preachers might ask if there are…

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Mark 10:17-31

Proper 23B

The thing about this rich man is that he seems sincere. Unlike say, the Pharisee praying out loud and comparing himself to others in a pompous way (Luke 18.10-14), this man “kept all the commandments” and sought after the good teacher. I don’t think it’s a stretch to describe the rich man as searching. Having…

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Hebrews 4:12-16

Proper 23B

Preachers might listen for the Spirit’s promptings to move us in one of two directions with this Sunday’s Epistolary Lesson. We might prayerfully concentrate separately on either verses 12-13 or 14-16. Each, after all, contains a veritable goldmine of theology that has rich pastoral implications. However, preachers might also listen for how the Spirit may…

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Symposium 2023: Growing in Grace and Knowledge

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Mark 10:2-16

Proper 22B

These two texts are more than a bit difficult to homiletically combine. They mostly share a setting, as Jesus and the disciples transition from a conversation with the Pharisees and enter yet another house where children are present. In terms of the lectionary sequence, we’ll be staying put in chapter ten for the whole month…

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