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Nehemiah 8:1-3, 5-6, 8-10

Epiphany 3C

Commentary: Nehemiah, in General Since we are just dropping into the text for a moment this week, it might make sense to broaden our perspective to what the whole of Nehemiah wants us to know and learn. The NIBC commentary observes that “Ezra-Nehemiah is the Old Testament equivalent of the Acts of the Apostles —…

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Psalm 36:5-10

Epiphany 2C

Psalm 36 contains a striking line about God: “In your light we see light.”  It is a curious turn of phrase, seeming very nearly tautological.  What does it mean that we can only see light when we are in the midst of some other light?  It may be a way of saying that we cannot…

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Isaiah 62:1-5

Epiphany 2C

Embarrassingly Loved If you blush easily, prepare yourself for this week’s lectionary text out of Hebrew Scripture!  After all the desolations of the early chapters of Isaiah, we saw the turn last week with Isaiah 43.  Less than 20 chapters later, reading Scripture can feel almost like eavesdropping the sweet nothings of young lovers or…

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Psalm 29

Epiphany 1C

This is the Sunday to observe things related to the Baptism of Jesus and each of the four assigned Year C readings tie in with baptism.  The Acts 8 passage is a little bit of an outlier in that no water is involved but instead baptism is mentioned even as the Holy Spirit gets poured…

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Isaiah 43:1-7

Epiphany 1C

Illustration/Image: One of the blockbuster movies from this past holiday season for a movie adaptation of the musical, Wicked, the story of The Wizard of Oz as told by the “wicked” witch of the West.  In both the original musical and this latest spin-off, the presence of the Wizard looms large.  He is lauded with…

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Jeremiah 31:7-14

Christmas 2C

Illustration: Imagine the crankiest person you know. Don’t say their name out loud.  Perhaps it is a character from fiction: Eeyore, Ron Swanson, Debbie Downer or the Grinch.  Perhaps someone in real life like Simon Cowell on America’s Got Talent. Now imagine Eeyore with a smile, Ron Swanson giggling, Debbie Downer with a soundtrack of…

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Psalm 147:12-20

Christmas 2C

It’s not at all clear why the Lectionary skips the first 11 verses of the 147th psalm since they contain much of the same sentiments and ideas as the final verses that the RCL does select.  In any event, this is one of a number of psalms and other biblical passages where the psalmist takes…

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I Samuel 2:18-20, 26

Christmas 1C

Acknowledging that the Hebrew Scripture text may not be everyone’s immediate choice for the Sunday after Christmas, I want to use this text as a lens on the others or, perhaps, to demonstrate reverberations and harmonies between this text and the others as a way of deepening your engagement with all the texts together. Commentary:…

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Psalm 148

Christmas 1C

Whether it is Lectionary Year A, B, or C, if it’s the first Sunday after Christmas, you will see Psalm 148 as the psalm reading.  Somebody along the way must have determined that this is such a fitting post-Christmas Day psalm that no Lectionary cycle would be complete without it. Many years that Sunday is…

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Psalm 80:1-7

Advent 4C

If you pay close attention to the Psalm readings across the three-year cycle of the Revised Common Lectionary, then you know the Lectionary likes Psalm 80.  But it never manages to assign the whole psalm.  Either you get just the first seven verses (as here for Advent 4C) or nine verses from the middle of…

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