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Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16

Lent 2B

Our names are very important to many of us.  We might even argue that they come close as close as anything to identifying who we really are.  We are, at least in some ways, our names. Names have throughout measured time had meaning.  God asks Adam to name each creature as God creates it, so…

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Psalm 25:1-10

Lent 1B

Psalm 25 is widely considered to be an ugly duckling among the Psalms.  At first (and second and third) reading, it seems to lack cohesion and logical progression.  But like the proverbial ugly duckling, there’s something beautiful here waiting to be discovered.  It begins when one reads the Hebrew text and discovers that we have…

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Genesis 9:8-17

Lent 1B

21st century society seems to largely believe that people have the world and its future squarely in our own hands.  They claim that if we don’t somehow make history turn out right, it simply won’t happen.  Yet experience suggests that if it’s up to people to make things right, we’ve got real trouble on our…

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Psalm 50:1-6

Epiphany 6B

At first glance Psalm 50 seems an odd choice for the celebration of Christ’s Transfiguration.  This last Sunday of the Epiphany season should be filled with talk of Christ’s glory finally revealed to his followers, as in the Gospel reading for today from Mark 9.  The reading from the Epistles sings about the “glory of…

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2 Kings 2:1-12

Epiphany 6B

I once preached on this text during a worship service in which our church installed new leaders whom we call elders and deacons.  At the time it seemed like its story of the transition from Elijah to Elisha’s leadership seemed appropriate. Yet the Lectionary ends the Old Testament lesson it appoints for this Sunday with…

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Psalm 147:1-11, 20c

Epiphany 5B

Psalm 147 is the second Psalm in the so-called Hallelujah chorus that ends the book of Psalms.  It is part of the final triumphant response of God’s people to their difficult experience with God in a hostile world.  Gone now are all the “why’s” and “how long’s,” the threats of enemies and the crises of…

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Isaiah 40:21-31

Epiphany 5B

Grasshoppers are interesting creatures.  While they have wings, just like eagles, they can’t soar like eagles.  Yet grasshoppers can really jump.  If people could jump like them, we’d be able to leap more than 40 yards. Yet while grasshoppers can be colorful, heads that are relatively tiny also house their brains.  If you walk through…

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Psalm 111

Epiphany 4B

Psalm 111 is the first of several Hallel Psalms, so named because they begin with the Hebrew words, Hallel (praise) and Yah (a shortened version of Yahweh).  Again and again, God’s people are called to praise their covenant making and keeping God.  But there are times in life when the Hallel’s get stuck in your…

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Deuteronomy 18:15-20

Epiphany 4B

Those who take a deep enough whiff of Deuteronomy 18 may detect at least a hint of death clinging to it.  In fact, we might even say that the scent of death both lingers within and bookends the Old Testament lesson the Lectionary appoints for this Sunday. The lesson begins innocently enough, though (again!) right…

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Psalm 62:5-12

Epiphany 3B

Psalm 62 is a Psalm of trust with a healthy dose of instruction mixed in.  It is tailor-made for troubled times in which the clamor and agitation, grasping materialism and sheer meanness of society threaten the person who is trying to live a God focused life. In other words, Psalm 62 is for times like…

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